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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Accelerator-based neutron irradiation of integrated circuits at GENEPI2 (France)
F Villa, M Baylac, S Rey, O Rossetto, W Mansour, P Ramos, R Velazco, ...
2014 IEEE Radiation Effects Data Workshop (REDW), 1-5, 2014
Radiation experiments on a 28 nm single-chip many-core processor and SEU error-rate prediction
V Vargas, P Ramos, V Ray, C Jalier, R Stevens, BD De Dinechin, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 64 (1), 483-490, 2016
NMR-MPar: A fault-tolerance approach for multi-core and many-core processors
V Vargas, P Ramos, JF Méhaut, R Velazco
Applied Sciences 8 (3), 465, 2018
Evaluating the SEE sensitivity of a 45 nm SOI Multi-core Processor due to 14 MeV Neutrons
P Ramos, V Vargas, M Baylac, F Villa, S Rey, JA Clemente, NE Zergainoh, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 63 (4), 2193-2200, 2016
Evaluating SEU fault-injection on parallel applications implemented on multicore processors
V Vargas, P Ramos, R Velazco, JF Mehaut, NE Zergainoh
2015 IEEE 6th Latin American Symposium on Circuits & Systems (LASCAS), 1-4, 2015
Single events in a COTS soft-error free SRAM at low bias voltage induced by 15-MeV neutrons
JA Clemente, FJ Franco, F Villa, M Baylac, P Ramos, V Vargas, H Mecha, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 63 (4), 2072-2079, 2016
Neutron-induced single events in a COTS soft-error free SRAM at low bias voltage
JA Clemente, FJ Franco, F Villa, M Baylac, P Ramos, V Vargas, H Mecha, ...
2015 15th European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and …, 2015
Low-cost human–machine interface for computer control with facial landmark detection and voice commands
P Ramos, M Zapata, K Valencia, V Vargas, C Ramos-Galarza
Sensors 22 (23), 9279, 2022
Preliminary results of SEU fault-injection on multicore processors in AMP mode
V Vargas, P Ramos, W Mansour, R Velazco, NE Zergainoh, JF Mehaut
2014 IEEE 20th International On-Line Testing Symposium (IOLTS), 194-197, 2014
Sensitivity to Neutron Radiation of a 45 nm SOI Multi-core Processor
P Ramos, V Vargas, M Baylac, F Villa, S Rey, JA Clemente, NE Zergainoh, ...
2015 15th European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and …, 2015
SEE error-rate evaluation of an application implemented in COTS multicore/many-core processors
P Ramos, V Vargas, M Baylac, NE Zergainoh, R Velazco
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 65 (8), 1879-1886, 2018
SEU fault-injection at system level: method, tools and preliminary results
W Mansour, P Ramos, R Ayoubi, R Velazco
2014 15th Latin American Test Workshop-LATW, 1-5, 2014
Evaluation by neutron radiation of the nmr-mpar fault-tolerance approach applied to applications running on a 28-nm many-core processor
V Vargas, P Ramos, R Velazco
Electronics 7 (11), 312, 2018
Swifi Fault injector for heterogeneous many-core processors
V Vargas, P Ramos, JF Méhaut, R Velazco
revistapuce, 2018
Nanosatellite On-Board Computer including a Many-Core Processor
F Pancher, V Vargas, P Ramos, RP Bastos, DCA Saravia, R Velazco
2021 IEEE 22nd Latin American Test Symposium (LATS), 1-6, 2021
A deep analysis of SEU consequences in the internal memory of LEON3 processor
A Kchaou, WEH Youssef, R Tourki, F Bouesse, P Ramos, R Velazco
2016 17th Latin-American Test Symposium (LATS), 178-178, 2016
Assessing the Static and Dynamic Sensitivity of a Commercial Off‐the‐Shelf Multicore Processor for Noncritical Avionic Applications
PF Ramos, VC Vargas, NE Zergainoh, R Velazco
Journal of Nanotechnology 2018 (1), 2926392, 2018
Low-Cost Non-Wearable Fall Detection System Implemented on a Single Board Computer for People in Need of Care
V Vargas, P Ramos, EA Orbe, M Zapata, K Valencia-Aragón
Sensors 24 (17), 5592, 2024
Improving Reliability of Multi-/Many-Core Processors by Using NMR-MPar Approach
V Vargas, P Ramos, JF Méhaut, R Velazco
Radiation Effects on Integrated Circuits and Systems for Space Applications …, 2019
Error Rate Prediction of Applications Implemented in Multi-Core and Many-Core Processors
P Ramos, V Vargas, R Velazco, NE Zergainoh
Radiation Effects on Integrated Circuits and Systems for Space Applications …, 2019
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مقالات 1–20