Ana P Barros
Ana P Barros
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Decoupling of erosion and precipitation in the Himalayas
DW Burbank, AE Blythe, J Putkonen, B Pratt-Sitaula, E Gabet, M Oskin, ...
Nature 426 (6967), 652-655, 2003
Western disturbances: a review
AP Dimri, D Niyogi, AP Barros, J Ridley, UC Mohanty, T Yasunari, ...
Reviews of Geophysics 53 (2), 225-246, 2015
The hydrology of the humid tropics
E Wohl, A Barros, N Brunsell, NA Chappell, M Coe, T Giambelluca, ...
Nature Climate Change 2 (9), 655-662, 2012
Parameterization of vegetation backscatter in radar-based, soil moisture estimation
R Bindlish, AP Barros
Remote sensing of environment 76 (1), 130-137, 2001
Dynamic modeling of orographically induced precipitation
AP Barros, DP Lettenmaier
Reviews of geophysics 32 (3), 265-284, 1994
A study of the 1999 monsoon rainfall in a mountainous region in central Nepal using TRMM products and rain gauge observations
AP Barros, M Joshi, J Putkonen, DW Burbank
Geophysical research letters 27 (22), 3683-3686, 2000
Probing orographic controls in the Himalayas during the monsoon using satellite imagery
AP Barros, G Kim, E Williams, SW Nesbitt
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 4 (1), 29-51, 2004
Localized precipitation forecasts from a numerical weather prediction model using artificial neural networks
RJ Kuligowski, AP Barros
Weather and forecasting 13 (4), 1194-1204, 1998
Winter storms in the central Himalayas
TJ Lang, AP Barros
Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. Ser. II 82 (3), 829-844, 2004
Monitoring the monsoon in the Himalayas: Observations in central Nepal, June 2001
AP Barros, TJ Lang
Monthly Weather Review 131 (7), 1408-1427, 2003
Quantitative flood forecasting using multisensor data and neural networks
G Kim, AP Barros
Journal of Hydrology 246 (1-4), 45-62, 2001
Experiments in short-term precipitation forecasting using artificial neural networks
RJ Kuligowski, AP Barros
Monthly weather review 126 (2), 470-482, 1998
Downscaling of remotely sensed soil moisture with a modified fractal interpolation method using contraction mapping and ancillary data
G Kim, AP Barros
Remote Sensing of Environment 83 (3), 400-413, 2002
Multifrequency soil moisture inversion from SAR measurements with the use of IEM
R Bindlish, AP Barros
Remote Sensing of Environment 71 (1), 67-88, 2000
Evaluation of MODIS gross primary productivity (GPP) in tropical monsoon regions
M Gebremichael, AP Barros
Remote Sensing of Environment 100 (2), 150-166, 2006
Space–time characterization of soil moisture from passive microwave remotely sensed imagery and ancillary data
G Kim, AP Barros
Remote sensing of environment 81 (2-3), 393-403, 2002
The NAME 2004 field campaign and modeling strategy
W Higgins, D Ahijevych, J Amador, A Barros, EH Berbery, E Caetano, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 87 (1), 79-94, 2006
Dynamic modeling of the spatial distribution of precipitation in remote mountainous areas
AP Barros, DP Lettenmaier
Monthly weather review 121 (4), 1195-1214, 1993
An investigation of the onsets of the 1999 and 2000 monsoons in central Nepal
TJ Lang, AP Barros
Monthly weather review 130 (5), 1299-1316, 2002
From weather to climate—Seasonal and interannual variability of storms and implications for erosion processes in the Himalaya
AP Barros, S Chiao, TJ Lang, D Burbank, J Putkonen
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20