Mehdi Najafzadeh
Mehdi Najafzadeh
Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical School
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على bwh.harvard.edu - الصفحة الرئيسية
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Effects of a mobile phone short message service on antiretroviral treatment adherence in Kenya (WelTel Kenya1): a randomised trial
RT Lester, P Ritvo, EJ Mills, A Kariri, S Karanja, MH Chung, W Jack, ...
The Lancet 376 (9755), 1838-1845, 2010
The independent contribution of executive functions to health related quality of life in older women
JC Davis, CA Marra, M Najafzadeh, T Liu-Ambrose
BMC geriatrics 10, 1-8, 2010
Cost-effectiveness of novel regimens for the treatment of hepatitis C virus
M Najafzadeh, K Andersson, WH Shrank, AA Krumme, OS Matlin, ...
Annals of internal medicine 162 (6), 407-419, 2015
Empagliflozin and the risk of heart failure hospitalization in routine clinical care: a first analysis from the EMPRISE study
E Patorno, A Pawar, JM Franklin, M Najafzadeh, A Déruaz-Luyet, ...
Circulation 139 (25), 2822-2830, 2019
Not all “quality-adjusted life years” are equal
CA Marra, SA Marion, DP Guh, M Najafzadeh, F Wolfe, JM Esdaile, ...
Journal of clinical epidemiology 60 (6), 616-624, 2007
Economic value of pharmacist-led medication reconciliation for reducing medication errors after hospital discharge
M Najafzadeh, JL Schnipper, WH Shrank, S Kymes, TA Brennan, ...
Am J Manag Care 22 (10), 654-661, 2016
Cost effectiveness of herpes zoster vaccine in Canada
M Najafzadeh, CA Marra, E Galanis, DM Patrick
Pharmacoeconomics 27, 991-1004, 2009
Competition and price among brand-name drugs in the same class: a systematic review of the evidence
A Sarpatwari, J DiBello, M Zakarian, M Najafzadeh, AS Kesselheim
PLoS medicine 16 (7), e1002872, 2019
Future impact of various interventions on the burden of COPD in Canada: a dynamic population model
M Najafzadeh, CA Marra, LD Lynd, M Sadatsafavi, JM FitzGerald, ...
Public Library of Science 7 (10), e46746, 2012
Cost effectiveness of therapy with combinations of long acting bronchodilators and inhaled steroids for treatment of COPD
M Najafzadeh, CA Marra, M Sadatsafavi, SD Aaron, SD Sullivan, ...
Thorax 63 (11), 962-967, 2008
Increasing incidence associated with herpes zoster infection in British Columbia, Canada
F Marra, M Chong, M Najafzadeh
BMC infectious diseases 16, 1-13, 2016
Barriers to integrating personalized medicine into clinical practice: a best–worst scaling choice experiment
M Najafzadeh, LD Lynd, JC Davis, S Bryan, A Anis, M Marra, CA Marra
Genetics in medicine 14 (5), 520-526, 2012
Cost-effectiveness of palbociclib in hormone receptor-positive advanced breast cancer
H Mamiya, RK Tahara, SM Tolaney, NK Choudhry, M Najafzadeh
Annals of Oncology 28 (8), 1825-1831, 2017
Economic evaluation of dose–response resistance training in older women: a cost-effectiveness and cost-utility analysis
JC Davis, CA Marra, MC Robertson, KM Khan, M Najafzadeh, MC Ashe, ...
Osteoporosis international 22, 1355-1366, 2011
Barriers for integrating personalized medicine into clinical practice: a qualitative analysis
M Najafzadeh, JC Davis, P Joshi, C Marra
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A 161 (4), 758-763, 2013
Quantifying the impact of adherence to screening strategies on colorectal cancer incidence and mortality
E D’Andrea, DJ Ahnen, DA Sussman, M Najafzadeh
Cancer medicine 9 (2), 824-836, 2020
From trial to target populations—calibrating real-world data
M Najafzadeh, S Schneeweiss
N Engl J Med 376 (13), 1203-1205, 2017
Using the incremental net benefit framework for quantitative benefit–risk analysis in regulatory decision-making—a case study of alosetron in irritable bowel syndrome
LD Lynd, M Najafzadeh, L Colley, MF Byrne, AR Willan, MJ Sculpher, ...
Value in Health 13 (4), 411-417, 2010
Effectiveness and safety of empagliflozin in routine care patients: results from the EMPagliflozin compaRative effectIveness and SafEty (EMPRISE) study
E Patorno, A Pawar, DJ Wexler, RJ Glynn, LG Bessette, JM Paik, ...
Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism 24 (3), 442-454, 2022
Using real‐world data to extrapolate evidence from randomized controlled trials
SV Wang, S Schneeweiss, JJ Gagne, T Evers, C Gerlinger, R Desai, ...
Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 105 (5), 1156-1163, 2019
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مقالات 1–20