Robert C. Dynes
Robert C. Dynes
Professor UC San Diego
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على ucsd.edu
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Transition temperature of strong-coupled superconductors reanalyzed
PB Allen, RC Dynes
Physical Review B 12 (3), 905, 1975
Direct measurement of quasiparticle-lifetime broadening in a strong-coupled superconductor
RC Dynes, V Narayanamurti, JP Garno
Physical Review Letters 41 (21), 1509, 1978
Tunneling conductance of asymmetrical barriers
WF Brinkman, RC Dynes, JM Rowell
Journal of applied physics 41 (5), 1915-1921, 1970
Scanning-tunneling-microscope observation of the Abrikosov flux lattice and the density of states near and inside a fluxoid
HF Hess, RB Robinson, RC Dynes, JM Valles Jr, JV Waszczak
Physical review letters 62 (2), 214, 1989
Reversible electric control of exchange bias in a multiferroic field-effect device
SM Wu, SA Cybart, P Yu, MD Rossell, JX Zhang, R Ramesh, RC Dynes
Nature materials 9 (9), 756-761, 2010
Observation of Josephson pair tunneling between a high- cuprate () and a conventional superconductor (Pb)
AG Sun, DA Gajewski, MB Maple, RC Dynes
Physical Review Letters 72 (14), 2267, 1994
Tunneling study of superconductivity near the metal-insulator transition
RC Dynes, JP Garno, GB Hertel, TP Orlando
Physical Review Letters 53 (25), 2437, 1984
Reproducible tunneling data on chemically etched single crystals of
M Gurvitch, JM Valles Jr, AM Cucolo, RC Dynes, JP Garno, ...
Physical review letters 63 (9), 1008, 1989
Mesotaxy: Single‐crystal growth of buried CoSi2 layers
AE White, KT Short, RC Dynes, JP Garno, JM Gibson
Applied physics letters 50 (2), 95-97, 1987
Observation of second sound in bismuth
V Narayanamurti, RC Dynes
Physical Review Letters 28 (22), 1461, 1972
McMillan's equation and the Tc of superconductors
RC Dynes
Solid State Communications 10 (7), 615-618, 1972
Nonmetallic conduction in electron inversion layers at low temperatures
DJ Bishop, DC Tsui, RC Dynes
Physical Review Letters 44 (17), 1153, 1980
Tunneling and transport measurements at the metal-insulator transition of amorphous Nb: Si
G Hertel, DJ Bishop, EG Spencer, JM Rowell, RC Dynes
Physical Review Letters 50 (10), 743, 1983
Experimental techniques in condensed matter physics at low temperatures
RC Richardson, EN Smith
CRC Press, 2018
Full electric control of exchange bias
SM Wu, SA Cybart, D Yi, JM Parker, R Ramesh, RC Dynes
Physical review letters 110 (6), 067202, 2013
Sum Rules and Interlayer Conductivity of High-Tc Cuprates
DN Basov, SI Woods, AS Katz, EJ Singley, RC Dynes, M Xu, DG Hinks, ...
Science 283 (5398), 49-52, 1999
Single vortex propagation in Josephson tunnel junctions
TA Fulton, RC Dynes
Solid State Communications 12 (1), 57-61, 1973
Two-dimensional electrical conductivity in quench-condensed metal films
RC Dynes, JP Garno, JM Rowell
Physical Review Letters 40 (7), 479, 1978
Superconductivity in d-and f-Band Metals
CM Varma, RC Dynes
Plenum Press, New York, 1976) p 507, 1976
Metal-insulator transition in granular aluminum
RC Dynes, JP Garno
Physical Review Letters 46 (2), 137, 1981
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مقالات 1–20