Laurin Ostermann
Laurin Ostermann
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
QuantumOptics.jl: A Julia framework for simulating open quantum systems
S Krämer, D Plankensteiner, L Ostermann, H Ritsch
Computer Physics Communications 227, 109-116, 2018
Protected state enhanced quantum metrology with interacting two-level ensembles
L Ostermann, H Ritsch, C Genes
Physical review letters 111 (12), 123601, 2013
Selective protected state preparation of coupled dissipative quantum emitters
D Plankensteiner, L Ostermann, H Ritsch, C Genes
Scientific reports 5 (1), 16231, 2015
A superradiant clock laser on a magic wavelength optical lattice
T Maier, S Kraemer, L Ostermann, H Ritsch
Optics express 22 (11), 13269-13279, 2014
Subradiance via entanglement in atoms with several independent decay channels
M Hebenstreit, B Kraus, L Ostermann, H Ritsch
Physical review letters 118 (14), 143602, 2017
Subradiance-enhanced excitation transfer between dipole-coupled nanorings of quantum emitters
M Moreno-Cardoner, D Plankensteiner, L Ostermann, DE Chang, ...
Physical Review A 100 (2), 023806, 2019
Optimized geometries for future generation optical lattice clocks
S Krämer, L Ostermann, H Ritsch
Europhysics Letters 114 (1), 14003, 2016
Coherence and degree of time-bin entanglement from quantum dots
T Huber, L Ostermann, M Prilmüller, GS Solomon, H Ritsch, G Weihs, ...
Physical Review B 93 (20), 201301, 2016
Cascaded collective decay in regular arrays of cold trapped atoms
L Ostermann, H Zoubi, H Ritsch
Optics express 20 (28), 29634-29645, 2012
Superradiant cooling, trapping, and lasing of dipole-interacting clock atoms
C Hotter, D Plankensteiner, L Ostermann, H Ritsch
Optics express 27 (22), 31193-31206, 2019
Nanoscale coherent light source
R Holzinger, D Plankensteiner, L Ostermann, H Ritsch
Physical Review Letters 124 (25), 253603, 2020
Super-and subradiance of clock atoms in multimode optical waveguides
L Ostermann, C Meignant, C Genes, H Ritsch
New Journal of Physics 21 (2), 025004, 2019
Protected subspace Ramsey spectroscopy
L Ostermann, D Plankensteiner, H Ritsch, C Genes
Physical Review A 90 (5), 053823, 2014
Cavity sub-and superradiance for transversely driven atomic ensembles
C Hotter, L Ostermann, H Ritsch
Physical Review Research 5 (1), 013056, 2023
Does size reliably predict malignancy in soft tissue tumours?
L Gruber, A Loizides, L Ostermann, B Glodny, M Plaikner, H Gruber
European radiology 26, 4640-4648, 2016
Demonstration and modeling of time-bin entangled photons from a quantum dot in a nanowire
P Aumann, M Prilmüller, F Kappe, L Ostermann, D Dalacu, PJ Poole, ...
AIP Advances 12 (5), 2022
Polarization control of radiation and energy flow in dipole-coupled nanorings
J Cremer, D Plankensteiner, M Moreno-Cardoner, L Ostermann, H Ritsch
New Journal of Physics 22 (8), 083052, 2020
Temperature-enhanced critical quantum metrology
L Ostermann, K Gietka
Physical Review A 109 (5), L050601, 2024
Collective radiation of coupled atomic dipoles and the precise measurement of time
L Ostermann
Subradiance in multiply excited states of dipole-coupled V-type atoms
R Holzinger, L Ostermann, H Ritsch
Europhysics Letters 128 (4), 44001, 2020
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مقالات 1–20