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prima endang susilowati
Halu Oleo University
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Penggunaan pektin kulit buah kakao sebagai edible coating pada kualitas buah tomat dan masa simpan
PE Susilowati, A Fitri, M Natsir
Jurnal Aplikasi Teknologi Pangan 6 (2), 2017
Photo-inactivation Staphylococcus aureus by using formulation of Mn-N-TiO2 composite coated wall paint
M Maulidiyah, PE Susilowati, NK Mudhafar, LA Salim, D Wibowo, ...
Biointerface Res. Appl. Chem 12 (2), 1628-1637, 2022
Synthesis and characterization of microwave sintered silica xerogel produced from rice husk ash
IN Sudiana, S Mitsudo, T Nishiwaki, PE Susilowati, L Lestari, MZ Firihu, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 739 (1), 012059, 2016
Effect of microwave radiation on the properties of sintered oxide ceramics
IN Sudiana, S Mitsudo, T Nishiwaki, PE Susilowati, L Lestari, MZ Firihu, ...
Contemporary Engineering Sciences 8 (34), 1607-1615, 2015
Produksi Xilanase dari Isolat Sumber Air Panas Sonai, Sulawesi Tenggara, menggunakan Limbah Pertanian
PE Susilowati, S Raharjo, D Kurniawati, R Rahim, A Sumarlin, ...
Jurnal Natur Indonesia 14 (3), 1-6, 2012
Diversity and the role of yeast in spontaneous cocoa bean fermentation from Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia
J Jamili, NURA YANTI, PE Susilowati
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 17 (1), 2016
Mutation at tyrosine in AMLRY (GILRY like) motif of yeast eRF1 on nonsense codons suppression and binding affinity to eRF3
PE Susilowati, F Madayanti
International journal of biological sciences 4 (2), 87, 2008
Pektin dari kulit buah kakao (Theobroma cacao L) sebagai edible coating buah tomat
A Fitri, PE Susilowati, M Natsir
Jurnal Progres Kimia Sains 2, 1-10, 2012
The use immobilized bacteria-alginate-chitin for crack remediation
PE Susilowati, NA Rajiani, H Hermawan, A Zaeni, IN Sudiana
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 299 (1), 012010, 2019
Anaerobic digestion of solid and liquid organic waste with microorganism from manure
A Zaeni, PE Susilowati, N Rasmin
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 299 (1), 012063, 2019
The microwave assisted-synthesis of carboxymethyl cellulose from nata de-coco bacterial cellulose
L Ramadhan, MN Rahmat, PE Susilowati, LO Ahmad, UE Rusbandi
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 223 (1), 012061, 2017
Autentikasi Halal: Aplikasi Spektroskopi FTIR Kombinasi Kemometrika untuk Analisis Lemak Babi dalam Campuran Biner dengan Lemak Sapi
I Irnawati, R Ruslin, PE Susilowati, A Zaeni
Indonesian Journal of Chemometrics and Pharmaceutical Analysis, 102-109, 2021
Performance of microbial fuel cells in generating bioelectricity using clay membranes and leachate substrate from Kendari city waste landfill
A Zaeni, NM Widani, NA Yanti, L Aba, A Armid, PE Susilowati
AIP Conference Proceedings 2704 (1), 2023
Identification and Genetic Diversity of Amylase Producing Lactic Acid Bacteria from Brown Rice (Oryza nivara) Wakawondu Cultivar Based on 16S rRNA Gene
S Wahyuni, Sarinah, WOG Purnamasari, U Pato, PE Susilowati, Asnani, ...
Fermentation 8 (12), 691, 2022
Formulasi cupcake dari tepung jagung (zea maysl.) dengan penambahan bayam (amarahantus spp.) sebagai sumber zat besi untuk mengatasi anemia remaja putri
MA Sam, PE Susilowati, S Rejeki
Sains dan Teknol. Pangan 3 (2), 1208-1220, 2018
Fast Microwave-assisted Pretreatment for Bioconversion of Sawdust Lignocellulose to Glucose
IN Sudiana, S Mitsudo, PE Susilowati, DK Sutiari, MW Arsana, MZ Firihu, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 846 (1), 012013, 2017
Evaluation of biogas potential from organic waste: Wastewater and solid wastes
A Zaeni, N Rasmin, GW Patiung, PE Susilowati
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1899 (1), 012005, 2021
Utilization of Compost as ameliorant in a Nickel post mining soil
A Zaeni, S Hade, PE Susilowati
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1899 (1), 012031, 2021
Evolusi Mikrostruktur dari Keramik Paduan Silika (SiO2) dan Alumina (Al2O3)
L Lestari, R Riwasa, PE Susilowati, IN Sudiana
Jurnal Aplikasi Fisika 13 (1), 1-6, 2017
Enhancement of cocoa quality by the indigenous yeast Candida tropicalis KLK4 through cocoa bean fermentation
NAY Jamili¹, PE Susilowati
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مقالات 1–20