Rob Mitchell
Rob Mitchell
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
A reconceptualization of fear of failure in entrepreneurship
G Cacciotti, JC Hayton, JR Mitchell, A Giazitzoglu
Journal of Business Venturing 31 (3), 302-325, 2016
To thine own self be true: Images of self, images of opportunity, and entrepreneurial action
JR Mitchell, DA Shepherd
Journal of Business Venturing 25 (1), 138–154, 2010
Erratic strategic decisions: when and why managers are inconsistent in strategic decision making
JR Mitchell, DA Shepherd, MP Sharfman
Strategic management journal 32 (7), 683-704, 2011
Accelerator expertise: U nderstanding the intermediary role of accelerators in the development of the B angalore entrepreneurial ecosystem
K Goswami, JR Mitchell, S Bhagavatula
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 12 (1), 117-150, 2018
Untangling the intuition mess: Intuition as a construct in entrepreneurship research
JR Mitchell, PN Friga, RK Mitchell
Entrepreneurship theory and practice 29 (6), 653-679, 2005
Inside opportunity formation: Enterprise failure, cognition, and the creation of opportunities
RK Mitchell, JR Mitchell, JB Smith
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 2 (3), 225-242, 2008
Socially situated cognition: Imagining new opportunities for entrepreneurship research
RK Mitchell, B Randolph-Seng, JR Mitchell
Academy of Management Review 36 (4), 774-776, 2011
Entrepreneurial fear of failure: Scale development and validation
G Cacciotti, JC Hayton, JR Mitchell, DG Allen
Journal of Business Venturing 35 (5), 106041, 2020
Becoming the boss: Discretion and postsuccession success in family firms
JR Mitchell, TA Hart, S Valcea, DM Townsend
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 33 (6), 1201-1218, 2009
Entrepreneurial scripts and the new transaction commitment mindset: Extending the expert information processing theory approach to entrepreneurial cognition research
JB Smith, JR Mitchell, RK Mitchell
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 33 (4), 815-844, 2009
Applying experimental methods to advance entrepreneurship research: On the need for and publication of experiments
DW Williams, MS Wood, JR Mitchell, D Urbig
Journal of Business Venturing 34 (2), 215-223, 2019
Stakeholder engagement, knowledge problems and ethical challenges
JR Mitchell, RK Mitchell, RA Hunt, DM Townsend, JH Lee
Journal of Business Ethics 175, 75-94, 2022
The microfoundations of entrepreneurial cognition research: toward an integrative approach
B Randolph-Seng, RK Mitchell, H Vahidnia, JR Mitchell, S Chen, J Statzer
Foundations and Trends® in Entrepreneurship 11 (4), 207-335, 2015
Entrepreneurial visions as rhetorical history: A diegetic narrative model of stakeholder enrollment
R Suddaby, T Israelsen, J Robert Mitchell, DSK Lim
Academy of Management Review 48 (2), 220-243, 2023
Entrepreneurial scripts and entrepreneurial expertise: The information processing perspective
RK Mitchell, BT Mitchell, JR Mitchell
Revisiting the entrepreneurial mind: Inside the black box: An expanded …, 2017
Failing to succeed: New venture failure as a moderator of startup experience and startup expertise
R Mitchell, JR Mitchell, JB Smith
Frontiers of entrepreneurship research, 2004
Stakeholder identification as entrepreneurial action: The social process of stakeholder enrollment in new venture emergence
JR Mitchell, TL Israelsen, RK Mitchell, DSK Lim
Journal of Business Venturing 36 (6), 106146, 2021
Thinking about thinking about thinking: Exploring how entrepreneurial metacognition affects entrepreneurial expertise
JR Mitchell, JB Smith, V Gustafsson, P Davidsson, RK Mitchell
Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 36, 2005
Understanding fear of failure in entrepreneurship: A cognitive process framework
JC Hayton, G Cacciotti, A Giazitzoglu, JR Mitchell, C Ainge
Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 33 (6), 1, 2013
The attitudes, behaviors and cognition of entrepreneurs: rebels with a cause
A Corbett, JR Mitchell, LM Shelton, M Wood
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 2018
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مقالات 1–20