Stefan Neuenfeldt
Stefan Neuenfeldt
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Thermal niche of Atlantic cod Gadus morhua: limits, tolerance and optima
DA Righton, KH Andersen, F Neat, V Thorsteinsson, P Steingrund, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 420, 1-13, 2010
Hypoxic areas, density-dependence and food limitation drive the body condition of a heavily exploited marine fish predator
M Casini, F Käll, M Hansson, M Plikshs, T Baranova, O Karlsson, ...
Royal Society open science 3 (10), 160416, 2016
Fish stock development in the Central Baltic Sea (1976-2000) in relation to variability in the environment
FW Köster, C Möllmann, S Neuenfeldt, M Vinther, MA St John, ...
ICES marine science symposia 219, 294-306, 2003
Implementing ecosystem-based fisheries management: from single-species to integrated ecosystem assessment and advice for Baltic Sea fish stocks
C Möllmann, M Lindegren, T Blenckner, L Bergström, M Casini, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 71 (5), 1187-1197, 2014
Biological ensemble modeling to evaluate potential futures of living marine resources
A Gårdmark, M Lindegren, S Neuenfeldt, T Blenckner, O Heikinheimo, ...
Ecological applications 23 (4), 742-754, 2013
Trophodynamic control on recruitment success in Baltic cod: the influence of cannibalism
S Neuenfeldt, FW Köster
ICES Journal of Marine Science 57 (2), 300-309, 2000
Developing Baltic cod recruitment models. I. Resolving spatial and temporal dynamics of spawning stock and recruitment for cod, herring, and sprat
FW Köster, C Möllmann, S Neuenfeldt, MAS John, M Plikshs, R Voss
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 58 (8), 1516-1533, 2001
Some Atlantic cod Gadus morhua in the Baltic Sea visit hypoxic water briefly but often
S Neuenfeldt, KH Andersen, HH Hinrichsen
Journal of fish biology 75 (1), 290-294, 2009
Feeding and growth of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) in the eastern Baltic Sea under environmental change
S Neuenfeldt, V Bartolino, A Orio, KH Andersen, NG Andersen, S Niiranen, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 77 (2), 624-632, 2020
Report of the Baltic fisheries assessment working group (WGBFAS)
V Amosova, D Artemenkov, C Berg, M Bergenius, J Boje, M Casini, ...
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, 2017
Baltic fisheries assessment working group (WGBFAS)
V Amosova, M Bergenius, J Boje, S Carlshamre, M Eero, R Fernandez, ...
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), 2019
Impact of climate change on fish population dynamics in the Baltic Sea: a dynamical downscaling investigation
BR MacKenzie, HEM Meier, M Lindegren, S Neuenfeldt, M Eero, ...
Ambio 41, 626-636, 2012
Reconstructing migrations of individual cod (Gadus morhua L.) in the Baltic Sea by using electronic data storage tags
S Neuenfeldt, HH HINRICHSEN, A Nielsen, KH Andersen
Fisheries Oceanography 16 (6), 526-535, 2007
Oxygen and salinity characteristics of predator–prey distributional overlaps shown by predatory Baltic cod during spawning
S Neuenfeldt, JE Beyer
Journal of fish biology 62 (1), 168-183, 2003
The influence of oxygen saturation on the distributional overlap of predator (cod, Gadus morhua) and prey (herring, Clupea harengus) in the Bornholm Basin of the Baltic Sea
S Neuenfeldt
Fisheries Oceanography 11 (1), 11-17, 2002
Forage fish interactions: a symposium on “Creating the tools for ecosystem-based management of marine resources”
MA Peck, S Neuenfeldt, TE Essington, VM Trenkel, A Takasuka, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 71 (1), 1-4, 2014
Using the particle filter to geolocate Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in the Baltic Sea, with special emphasis on determining uncertainty
KH Andersen, A Nielsen, UH Thygesen, HH Hinrichsen, S Neuenfeldt
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 64 (4), 618-627, 2007
Analysing migrations of Atlantic cod Gadus morhua in the north‐east Atlantic Ocean: then, now and the future
S Neuenfeldt, D Righton, F Neat, PJ Wright, H Svedäng, K Michalsen, ...
Journal of Fish Biology 82 (3), 741-763, 2013
Life under pressure: insights from electronic data-storage tags into cod swimbladder function
J van der Kooij, D Righton, E Strand, K Michalsen, V Thorsteinsson, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 64 (7), 1293-1301, 2007
A metacommunity perspective on source–sink dynamics and management: the Baltic Sea as a case study
M Lindegren, KH Andersen, M Casini, S Neuenfeldt
Ecological Applications 24 (7), 1820-1832, 2014
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مقالات 1–20