Eliseo Tesón
Eliseo Tesón
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Inversion tectonics under increasing rates of shortening and sedimentation: Cenozoic example from the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia
A Mora, A Reyes-Harker, G Rodriguez, E Tesón, JC Ramirez-Arias, ...
Crustal structure under the central High Atlas Mountains (Morocco) from geological and gravity data
P Ayarza, F Alvarez-Lobato, A Teixell, ML Arboleya, E Teson, M Julivert, ...
Tectonophysics 400 (1-4), 67-84, 2005
Andean topographic growth and basement uplift in southern Colombia: Implications for the evolution of the Magdalena, Orinoco, and Amazon river systems
VJ Anderson, BK Horton, JE Saylor, A Mora, E Tesón, DO Breecker, ...
Geosphere 12 (4), 1235-1256, 2016
Relationship of Mesozoic graben development, stress, shortening magnitude, and structural style in the Eastern Cordillera of the Colombian Andes
E Tesón, A Mora, A Silva, J Namson, A Teixell, J Castellanos, W Casallas, ...
Sequence of thrusting and syntectonic sedimentation in the eastern Sub-Atlas thrust belt (Dades and Mgoun valleys, Morocco)
E Teson, A Teixell
International Journal of Earth Sciences 97, 103-113, 2008
Shortening, structural relief and drainage evolution in inverted rifts: insights from the Atlas Mountains, the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia and the Pyrenees
J Babault, A Teixell, L Struth, J Van Den Driessche, ML Arboleya, E Tesón
Kinematic evolution of Andean fold‐thrust structures along the boundary between the Eastern Cordillera and Middle Magdalena Valley basin, Colombia
J Sánchez, BK Horton, E Tesón, A Mora, RA Ketcham, DF Stockli
Tectonics 31 (3), 2012
The structure of an inverted back-arc rift: Insights from a transect across the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia near Bogotá
A Teixell, JC Ruiz, E Teson, A Mora
Segmentation and growth of foothill thrust-belts adjacent to inverted grabens: the case of the Colombian Llanos foothills
L Jimenez, A Mora, W Casallas, A Silva, E Tesón, J Tamara, J Namson, ...
Magnetostratigraphy of the Ouarzazate Basin: Implications for the timing of deformation and mountain building in the High Atlas Mountains of Morocco.
E Tesón, EL Pueyo, A Teixell, A Barnolas, J Agustí, M Furió
Geodinamica Acta 23 (4), 151-165, 2010
Interaction between thin-and thick-skinned tectonics in the foothill areas of an inverted graben. The Middle Magdalena Foothill belt
N Moreno, A Silva, A Mora, E Tesón, I Quintero, LE Rojas, C Lopez, ...
The eastern foothills of Colombia
A Mora, E Téson, J Martínez, M Parra, Á Lasso, BK Horton, RA Ketcham, ...
The geology of Colombia 3, ca 5-142, 2020
Tectonic evolution of petroleum systems within the onshore Llanos Basin: Insights on the presence of Orinoco heavy oil analogs in Colombia and a comparison with other heavy oil …
A Mora, DF García-Bautista, A Reyes-Harker, M Parra, V Blanco, ...
AAPG Bulletin 103 (5), 1179-1224, 2019
Quaternary drainage network reorganization in the Colombian Eastern Cordillera plateau
L Struth, E Giachetta, SD Willett, LA Owen, E Tesón
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 45 (8), 1789-1804, 2020
Thick-skin-dominated orogens: From initial inversion to full accretion
E Tesón, A Mora, A Silva, J Namson, A Teixell, J Castellanos, W Casallas, ...
Geological society, London, Special Publications 377, 257-283, 2013
Geodinámica de las cordilleras del Alto y Medio Atlas: Síntesis de los conocimientos actuales
A Teixell, P Ayarza, E Tesón, J Babault, F Alvarez-Lobato, M Charroud, ...
Revista de la Sociedad Geológica de España 20 (3-4), 333-350, 2007
Estructura y cronología de la deformación en el borde sur del alto atlas (marruecos) a partir del registro tectono-sedimentario de la cuenca de antepaís de ouarzazate
E Tesón
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2009
Interrelationships among Mesozoic graben distribution, stress, amount of shortening and structural style in the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia
E Tesón, A Mora, A Silva, J Namson, A Teixell, J Castellanos, W Casallas, ...
Thick-skin-dominated orogens: From initial inversion to full accretion …, 2013
Structural styles and evolution of the Colombian Eastern foothills Piedemonte triangle zone
J Martinez, M Patiño, A Mora, JPA Martínez, E Tesón
Andean structural styles, 181-193, 2022
Capturas fluviales recientes de los ríos Chicamocha y Suárez: El origen de la Terraza de Bucaramanga y causas de la reorganización de la red de drenaje
E Tesón, YC García, M Añez, L Struth, V Caballero, J Babault, A Teixell
XV Congreso Colombiano de Geología, 127-130, 2015
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مقالات 1–20