Lisa Hilbink
Lisa Hilbink
Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Minnesota
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Judges beyond politics in democracy and dictatorship: Lessons from Chile
L Hilbink
Cambridge University Press, 2007
The origins of positive judicial independence
L Hilbink
World Politics 64 (4), 587-621, 2012
From quietism to incipient activism: the institutional and ideological roots of rights adjudication in Chile
J Couso, L Hilbink
Courts in Latin America 99, 2011
Comparative sources of judicial empowerment: Ideas and interests
PJ Woods, L Hilbink
Political Research Quarterly 62 (4), 745-752, 2009
Jueces y política en democracia y dictadura: Lecciones desde Chile
L Hilbink
Flacso México, 2015
The constituted nature of constituents’ interests: Historical and ideational factors in judicial empowerment
L Hilbink
Political Research Quarterly 62 (4), 781-797, 2009
Agents of anti-politics: Courts in Pinochet’s Chile
L Hilbink
Rule by law: The politics of courts in authoritarian regimes, 102-131, 2008
Assessing the new constitutionalism
L Hilbink
Comparative Politics 40 (2), 227-245, 2008
An exception to Chilean exceptionalism? The historical role of Chile's judiciary
L Hilbink
What justice? whose justice?: fighting for fairness in Latin America, 64-97, 2003
Beyond Manicheanism: Assessing the New Constitutionalism
L Hilbink
Md. L. Rev. 65, 15, 2006
Politicising law to liberalise politics: anti-francoist judges and prosecutors in Spain’s democratic transition
L Hilbink
Fighting for political freedom: Comparative studies of the legal complex and …, 2007
Courts and rule of law in developing countries
L Hilbink, MC Ingram
Oxford research encyclopedia of politics, 2019
Latin American studies: Theory and practice
P Drake, L Hilbink
The politics of knowledge: Area studies and the disciplines 3, 2003
Del quietismo al activismo incipiente: las raíces institucionales e ideológicas de la defensa de los derechos en Chile
J Couso, L Hilbink
Helmke, Gretchen y Julio Ríos Figueroa (coords.) Tribunales Constitucionales …, 2010
Legacies of Violence in Contemporary Spain
O Ferrán, L Hilbink
Routledge, 2017
Why people turn to institutions they detest: institutional mistrust and justice system engagement in uneven democratic states
L Hilbink, V Salas, JK Gallagher, J Restrepo Sanín
Comparative Political Studies 55 (1), 3-31, 2022
Constitutional rewrite in Chile: moving toward a social and democratic rule of law?
L Hilbink
Hague Journal on the Rule of Law, 1-12, 2021
Un Estado de derecho no liberal: La actuación del Poder Judicial chileno en los años 90
L Hilbink
DRAKE, Paul y JAKSIC, Iván. El modelo chileno. Democracia y desarrollo en …, 1999
State and law in Latin America: A critical assessment
L Hilbink, J Gallagher
Routledge Handbook of Law and Society in Latin America, 37-50, 2019
Introduction: Legacies of Violence in Contemporary Spain
O Ferrán, L Hilbink
Legacies of Violence in Contemporary Spain, 19-38, 2016
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مقالات 1–20