Alan Poulter
Alan Poulter
Lecturer, Department of Computer and Information Science, Strathclyde University, Glasgow, Scotland
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Dissemination of competitive intelligence
J Marin, A Poulter
Journal of information science 30 (2), 165-180, 2004
Public Library 2.0: Towards a new mission for public libraries as a “network of community knowledge”
G Chowdhury, A Poulter, D McMenemy
Online Information Review 30 (4), 454-460, 2006
A handbook of ethical practice: a practical guide to dealing with ethical issues in information and library work
D McMenemy, A Poulter, P Burton
Elsevier, 2014
The design of World Wide Web search engines: a critical review
A Poulter
Program 31 (2), 131-145, 1997
The library and information professional's guide to the Internet
DA Hiom, A Poulter, G Tseng
Library Association Publishing, 2000
Towards a virtual reality library
A Poulter
Aslib proceedings 45 (1), 11-17, 1993
Open source in libraries: an introduction and overview
A Poulter
Library review 59 (9), 655-661, 2010
Effectiveness of ICT training for public library staff in the UK: staff views
S King, D McMenemy, A Poulter
The Electronic Library 24 (2), 265-276, 2006
Delivering digital services: a handbook for public libraries and learning centres
D McMenemy, A Poulter
Facet Publishing, 2005
Management of acceptable use of computing facilities in the public library: avoiding a panoptic gaze?
C Gallagher, D McMenemy, A Poulter
Journal of Documentation 71 (3), 572-590, 2015
Family learning services in UK public libraries: an investigation of current provision and ongoing development
W Kirk, D McMenemy, A Poulter
New library world 105 (5/6), 176-183, 2004
LIS Professionals as Knowledge Engineers.
A Poulter
Annual Review of Information Science and Technology (ARIST) 29, 305-50, 1994
Building a browsable virtual library
Aslib proceedings 46 (6), 151-155, 1994
A robust methodology for investigating Old Firm related sectarianism online
D McMenemy, A Poulter, S O'Loan
International Journal of Web Based Communities 1 (4), 488-503, 2005
Specification for resource description methods Part 3: the role of classification schemes in Internet resource description and discovery
T Koch, M Day, A Brümmer, D Hion, M Peereboom, A Poulter, E Worsfold
Retrieved May 6, 2006, 1997
Question: Where would you go to escape detection if you wanted to do something illegal on the Internet? Hint: Shush!
A Poulter, I Ferguson, D McMenemy, R Glassey
Global Security, Safety, and Sustainability: 5th International Conference …, 2009
Public libraries in the" age of austerity": income generation and public library ethos
H Pautz, A Poulter
Library and Information Research 38 (117), 20-36, 2014
Encyclopedia of library and information science
A Poulter, M Drake
Browsing the Virtual Library, 389-396, 2003
The library and information professional's guide to the World Wide Web
A Poulter, G Tseng, G Sargent
Library Association, 1999
Preservation of Digital Materials: Policy and Strategy Issues for the UK; Report of a Meeting on the CPA/RLG Report, December 1996
G Matthews, E Blagg, A Poulter
British Library Research and Innovation Centre, 1997
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مقالات 1–20