Sang Yeob Kim (김상엽)
Sang Yeob Kim (김상엽)
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على sejong.ac.kr
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
A shift from chemical oxygen demand to total organic carbon for stringent industrial wastewater regulations: Utilization of organic matter characteristics
JW Park, SY Kim, JH Noh, YH Bae, JW Lee, SK Maeng
Journal of Environmental Management 305, 114412, 2022
Oxygen transfer performance of a supersaturated oxygen aeration system (SDOX) evaluated at high biomass concentrations
SY Kim, HA Garcia, CM Lopez-Vazquez, C Milligan, A Herrera, M Matosic, ...
Process safety and environmental protection 139, 171-181, 2020
Limitations imposed by conventional fine bubble diffusers on the design of a high-loaded membrane bioreactor (HL-MBR)
SY Kim, HA Garcia, CM Lopez-Vazquez, C Milligan, D Livingston, ...
Environmental science and pollution research 26, 34285-34300, 2019
Potential organic matter management for industrial wastewater guidelines using advanced dissolved organic matter characterization tools
SY Kim, JW Park, JH Noh, YH Bae, SK Maeng
Journal of Water Process Engineering 46, 102604, 2022
Supersaturated-oxygen aeration effects on a high-loaded membrane bioreactor (HL-MBR): Biological performance and microbial population dynamics
SY Kim, CM Lopez-Vazquez, J Curko, M Matosic, IK Svetec, A Štafa, ...
Science of the total environment 771, 144847, 2021
3D-printed Chlorella vulgaris biocarriers: A novel approach to wastewater treatment
SW Yoon, SY Kim, JS Jeon, S Oh, SY Chung, JS Kim, SK Maeng
Journal of Water Process Engineering 57, 104711, 2024
Biomass formation and organic carbon migration potential of microplastics from a PET recycling plant: Implication of biostability
TH Duong, SY Kim, SY Chung, H Son, S Oh, SK Maeng
Journal of Hazardous Materials 455, 131645, 2023
Integrating biological ion exchange with biological activated carbon treatment for drinking water: A novel approach for NOM removal, trihalomethane formation potential, and …
Y Lee, JH Noh, JW Park, SW Yoon, SY Kim, HJ Son, W Lee, SK Maeng
Water Research 245, 120598, 2023
An Assessment of the Effectiveness of Riverbank Filtration in a Sewage Plant Effluent-Impacted River Using a Full-Scale Horizontal Well
JH Noh, SH So, JW Park, SY Kim, KG Song, J Choi, GB Kim, H Son, ...
Water 14 (12), 1873, 2022
Use of near-infrared spectroscopy on predicting wastewater constituents to facilitate the operation of a membrane bioreactor
SY Kim, J Ćurko, JG Kljusurić, M Matošić, V Crnek, CM López-Vázquez, ...
Chemosphere 272, 129899, 2021
Effects of N-acyl homoserine lactone on immobilized Scenedesmus quadricauda bead using Ca-alginate for wastewater treatment
SW Yoon, JH Noh, JW Park, SY Kim, Y Lee, BG Choi, SK Maeng
Journal of Water Process Engineering 50, 103333, 2022
Advanced biomass formation potential of pipe materials for drinking water distribution systems: A semi-automated biomass formation potential
TH Duong, JW Park, SY Kim, SK Maeng
Journal of Cleaner Production 417, 138004, 2023
Effects of a sidestream concentrated oxygen supply system on the membrane filtration performance of a high-loaded membrane bioreactor
SY Kim, J Curko, M Matosic, A Herrera, CM Lopez-Vazquez, D Brdjanovic, ...
Environmental Research 237, 116914, 2023
From laboratory to pilot-scale: Assessing dissolved organic matter, biological stability and per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances removal on managed aquifer recharge performance
SY Kim, JH Noh, SW Yoon, BG Choi, MR Choi, GB Kim, SK Maeng
Science of The Total Environment, 173653, 2024
Impact of sonication on the algal organic matter characteristics of Anabaena circinalis, Microcystis aeruginosa, and Chlorella vulgaris
AT Dang, TH Duong, J Park, SY Kim, JW Lee, SK Maeng
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 11 (3), 110111, 2023
Study on Hygiene Management of Bottled Water through Non-culture-based Total Cell Count
SY Jeong, MS Yang, ES Lee, SY Kim, SK Maeng
Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment 40 (4), 161-167, 2024
Evaluating optimal preprocessing method for separation of microalgae colonies into single cells for image quality
SY Kim, SK Maeng
Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater 38 (2), 109-117, 2024
산업폐수의 TOC 관리를 위한 펜톤 산화의 적용
김상엽, 구범준, 동단단, 이재우, 김종욱, 맹승규
공동 춘계학술발표회 (2000~) 2023, 1-1, 2023
생물학적 이온교환수지를 통한 자연유기물질 및 미량오염물질의 제거
이윤, 맹승규, 김상엽, 박지원, 윤선원, 손희종, 이우림
대한환경공학회 학술발표논문집, 376-376, 2022
Applications of supersaturated oxygenation to biological wastewater treatment with high biomass content
S Kim
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مقالات 1–20