Claire Marris
Claire Marris
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
A quantitative test of the cultural theory of risk perceptions: Comparison with the psychometric paradigm
C Marris, IH Langford, T O'Riordan
Risk Analysis 18 (5), 635-647, 1998
Public Perceptions of Agricultural Biotechnologies in Europe
C Marris, B Wynne, P Simmons, S Weldon
http://csec.lancs.ac.uk/archive/pabe/, 2001
Public views on GMOs: deconstructing the myths
C Marris
EMBO Reports 2 (7), 545, 2001
Exploring the “psychometric paradigm”: Comparisons between aggregate and individual analyses
C Marris, I Langford, T Saunderson, T O'Riordan
Risk analysis 17 (3), 303-312, 1997
Taking roles in interdisciplinary collaborations: reflections on working in post-ELSI spaces in the UK synthetic biology community
AS Balmer, J Calvert, C Marris, S Molyneux- Hodgson, E Frow, M Kearnes, ...
Science & Technology Studies 28 (3), 3-25, 2015
Science and governance in Europe: lessons from the case of agricultural biotechnology
L Levidow, C Marris
Science and Public Policy 28 (5), 345-360, 2001
Testing the cultural theory of risk in France
J Brenot, S Bonnefous, C Marris
Risk analysis 18 (6), 729-739, 1998
The construction of imaginaries of the public as a threat to synthetic biology
C Marris
Science as Culture 24 (1), 83-98, 2015
Disentrenching Experiment: The Construction of GM Crop Field Trials As a Social Problem
C Bonneuil, PB Joly, C Marris
Science, Technology & Human Values 33 (2), 201-229, 2008
The 5′ flanking region of a barley B hordein gene controls tissue and developmental specific CAT expression in tobacco plants
C Marris, P Gallois, J Copley, M Kreis
Plant Molecular Biology 10 (4), 359-366, 1988
Five rules of thumb for post-ELSI interdisciplinary collaborations
AS Balmer, J Calvert, C Marris, S Molyneux-Hodgson, E Frow, M Kearnes, ...
Journal of Responsible Innovation 3 (1), 73-80, 2016
Open engagement: exploring public participation in the biosciences
C Marris, N Rose
PLoS Biology 8 (11), e1000549, 2010
Integrating sociological and psychological approaches to public perceptions of environmental risks: detailed results from a questionnaire survey
C Marris, I Langford, T O'Riordan
CSERGE Working Paper GEC 96-07, 1996
Between consensus and citizens: public participation in technology assessment in France
C Marris, PB Joly
Science Studies 12 (2), 3-32, 1999
The transnational governance of synthetic biology: scientific uncertainty, cross-borderness and the ‘art’of governance
JY Zhang, C Marris, N Rose
Report - https://royalsociety.org/topics-policy/projects/synthetic-biology …, 2011
Synthetic biology and biosecurity: challenging the “myths”
C Jefferson, F Lentzos, C Marris
Frontiers in public health 2, 2014
L’innovation controversée: le débat public sur les OGM en France
PB Joly, G Assouline, D Kréziak, J Lemarié, C Marris, A Roy
Report to French Ministry of Agriculture, 2000
Public reactions to risk: social structures, images of science, and the role of trust
IH Langford, C Marris, T O’Riordan
Risk Communication and Public Health, 33-50, 1999
Science in trade disputes related to potential risks: comparative case studies
E Millstone, P van Zwanenberg, C Marris, L Levidow, H Torgersen
http://ipts.jrc.ec.europa.eu/publications/pub.cfm?prs=1203, 2004
À la recherche d’une «démocratie technique». Enseignements de la conférence citoyenne sur les OGM en France
PB Joly, C Marris, MA Hermitte
Natures sciences sociétés 11 (1), 3-15, 2003
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مقالات 1–20