Sergi Costafreda-Aumedes
Sergi Costafreda-Aumedes
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
A review of the potential climate change impacts and adaptation options for European viticulture
JA Santos, H Fraga, AC Malheiro, J Moutinho-Pereira, LT Dinis, C Correia, ...
Applied Sciences 10 (9), 3092, 2020
Human-caused fire occurrence modelling in perspective: a review
S Costafreda-Aumedes, C Comas, C Vega-Garcia
International Journal of Wildland Fire 26 (12), 983-998, 2017
Late spring frost impacts on future grapevine distribution in Europe
L Leolini, M Moriondo, G Fila, S Costafreda-Aumedes, R Ferrise, M Bindi
Field Crops Research 222, 197-208, 2018
Assessing the grapevine crop water stress indicator over the flowering-veraison phase and the potential yield lose rate in important European wine regions
C Yang, C Menz, H Fraga, S Costafreda-Aumedes, L Leolini, MC Ramos, ...
Agricultural Water Management 261, 107349, 2022
Modelling sugar and acid content in Sangiovese grapes under future climates: An Italian case study
L Leolini, M Moriondo, Y Romboli, M Gardiman, S Costafreda-Aumedes, ...
Climate Research 78 (3), 211-224, 2019
Phenological Model Intercomparison for Estimating Grapevine Budbreak Date (Vitis vinifera L.) in Europe
L Leolini, S Costafreda-Aumedes, J A. Santos, C Menz, H Fraga, D Molitor, ...
Applied Sciences 10 (11), 3800, 2020
Analysis of factors influencing deployment of fire suppression resources in Spain using artificial neural networks
S Costafreda Aumedes, A Cardil Forradellas, D Molina Terrén, SN Daniel, ...
Italian Society of Silviculture and Forest Ecology (SISEF), 2015
Carbon sequestration capacity and productivity responses of Mediterranean olive groves under future climates and management options
L Brilli, E Lugato, M Moriondo, B Gioli, P Toscano, A Zaldei, L Leolini, ...
Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 24, 467-491, 2019
Improving fire season definition by optimized temporal modelling of daily human-caused ignitions
S Costafreda-Aumedes, C Vega-Garcia, C Comas
Journal of environmental management 217, 90-99, 2018
On the distribution and productivity of mountain grasslands in the Gran Paradiso National Park, NW Italy: A remote sensing approach
G Filippa, E Cremonese, M Galvagno, A Bayle, P Choler, M Bassignana, ...
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 108 …, 2022
Spatial stratification of wildfire drivers towards enhanced definition of large-fire regime zoning and fire seasons
M Rodrigues, S Costafreda-Aumedes, C Comas, C Vega-García
Science of the total environment 689, 634-644, 2019
Implementation of an algorithm for automated phenotyping through plant 3D-modeling: A practical application on the early detection of water stress
R Rossi, S Costafreda-Aumedes, L Leolini, C Leolini, M Bindi, ...
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 197, 106937, 2022
Spatio-temporal configurations of human-caused fires in Spain through point patterns
S Costafreda-Aumedes, C Comas, C Vega-Garcia
Forests 7 (9), 185, 2016
Expected changes to alpine pastures in extent and composition under future climate conditions
C Dibari, S Costafreda-Aumedes, G Argenti, M Bindi, F Carotenuto, ...
Agronomy 10 (7), 926, 2020
Performances evaluation of a low-cost platform for high-resolution plant phenotyping
R Rossi, C Leolini, S Costafreda-Aumedes, L Leolini, M Bindi, A Zaldei, ...
Sensors 20 (11), 3150, 2020
The relationship between landscape patterns and human-caused fire occurrence in Spain
S Costafreda Aumedes, A García Martín, C Vega García
Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA), 2013
Long-term adaptation of European viticulture to climate change: an overview from the H2020 Clim4Vitis action: Original language of the article: English.
JA Santos, C Yang, H Fraga, AC Malheiro, J Moutinho-Pereira, LT Dinis, ...
IVES Technical Reviews, vine and wine, 2021
Use of remote sensing-derived fPAR data in a grapevine simulation model for estimating vine biomass accumulation and yield variability at sub-field level
L Leolini, S Bregaglio, F Ginaldi, S Costafreda-Aumedes, SF Di Gennaro, ...
Precision Agriculture 24 (2), 705-726, 2023
Assessing climate change impacts on crops by adopting a set of crop performance indicators
M Moriondo, M Bindi, L Brilli, S Costafreda-Aumedes, C Dibari, L Leolini, ...
Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration 6, 1-18, 2021
Lessons learned from arson wildfire incidence in reforestations and natural stands in Spain
E Da Ponte, S Costafreda-Aumedes, C Vega-Garcia
Forests 10 (3), 229, 2019
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مقالات 1–20