Maria Pateraki
Maria Pateraki
Asst. Professor National Technical University of Athens, Affiliated Researcher FORTH
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Radiometric and geometric evaluation of Ikonos GEO images and their use for 3D building modelling
EP Baltsavias, MN Pateraki, L Zhang
Joint Workshop of ISPRS Working Groups I/2, I/5 and IV/7 High Resolution …, 2001
Digital surface modelling by airborne laser scanning and digital photogrammetry for glacier monitoring
EP Baltsavias, E Favey, A Bauder, H Bosch, M Pateraki
The Photogrammetric Record 17 (98), 243-273, 2001
Two people walk into a bar: Dynamic multi-party social interaction with a robot agent
ME Foster, A Gaschler, M Giuliani, A Isard, M Pateraki, RPA Petrick
Proceedings of the 14th ACM international conference on Multimodal …, 2012
Orthophoto generation using IKONOS imagery and high-resolution DEM: a case study on volcanic hazard monitoring of Nisyros Island (Greece)
S Vassilopoulou, L Hurni, V Dietrich, E Baltsavias, M Pateraki, E Lagios, ...
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 57 (1-2), 24-38, 2002
Potential of IKONOS and QUICKBIRD imagery for accurate 3D-Point positioning, orthoimage and DSM generation
H Eisenbeiss, E Baltsavias, M Pateraki, L Zhang
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2004
Biosensors and Internet of Things in smart healthcare applications: Challenges and opportunities
M Pateraki, K Fysarakis, V Sakkalis, G Spanoudakis, I Varlamis, ...
Wearable and Implantable Medical Devices, 25-53, 2020
Comparing task-based and socially intelligent behaviour in a robot bartender
M Giuliani, RPA Petrick, ME Foster, A Gaschler, A Isard, M Pateraki, ...
Proceedings of the 15th ACM on International conference on multimodal …, 2013
Mixed reality, gamified presence, and storytelling for virtual museums
G Papagiannakis, E Geronikolakis, M Pateraki, VM López-Menchero, ...
Encyclopedia of computer graphics and games, 1150-1162, 2024
Visual estimation of pointed targets for robot guidance via fusion of face pose and hand orientation
M Pateraki, H Baltzakis, P Trahanias
1st IEEE Workshop on Challenges and Opportunities in Robot Perception, held …, 2011
MAGES 4.0: Accelerating the world’s transition to VR training and democratizing the authoring of the medical metaverse
P Zikas, A Protopsaltis, N Lydatakis, M Kentros, S Geronikolakis, ...
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 43 (2), 43-56, 2023
Recording, Modeling and Visualization of Cultural Heritage: Proceedings of the International Workshop, Centro Stefano Franscini, Monte Verita, Ascona, Switzerland, May 22-27, 2005
M Baltsavias, A Gruen, L van Gool, M Pateraki
CRC Press, 2005
The ACM multimedia 2022 computational paralinguistics challenge: Vocalisations, stuttering, activity, & mosquitoes
B Schuller, A Batliner, S Amiriparian, C Bergler, M Gerczuk, N Holz, ...
Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Multimedia, 7120-7124, 2022
Visual tracking of hands, faces and facial features of multiple persons
H Baltzakis, M Pateraki, P Trahanias
Machine Vision and Applications 23, 1141-1157, 2012
Inter-operability and orchestration in heterogeneous cloud/edge resources: The accordion vision
I Korontanis, K Tserpes, M Pateraki, L Blasi, J Violos, F Diego, E Marin, ...
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Flexible Resource and Application …, 2020
XR-RF imaging enabled by software-defined metasurfaces and machine learning: Foundational vision, technologies and challenges
C Liaskos, A Tsioliaridou, K Georgopoulos, I Morianos, S Ioannidis, ...
IEEE access 10, 119841-119862, 2022
Critical overview of image-based 3D modeling
F Remondino, S El-Hakim, EP Baltsavias, A Gruen, L van Gool, ...
Recording, Modeling and Visualization of Cultural Heritage, London, Taylor …, 2005
Matching of Ikonos stereo and multitemporal GEO images for DSM generation
L Zhang, MN Pateraki, E Baltsavias
ETH, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Institute of Geodesy and …, 2002
Full-body Pose Tracking-the Top View Reprojection Approach
M Sigalas, M Pateraki, P Trahanias
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, 2015
Cloud for holography and augmented reality
A Makris, A Boudi, M Coppola, L Cordeiro, M Corsini, P Dazzi, FD Andilla, ...
2021 IEEE 10th international conference on cloud networking (CloudNet), 118-126, 2021
Robust multi-hypothesis 3D object pose tracking
G Chliveros, M Pateraki, P Trahanias
Computer Vision Systems: 9th International Conference, ICVS 2013, St …, 2013
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مقالات 1–20