Takeshi Yamada
Takeshi Yamada
Professor of Informatics, Kindai University
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Learning systems of concepts with an infinite relational model
C Kemp, JB Tenenbaum, TL Griffiths, T Yamada, N Ueda
AAAI 3, 5, 2006
Conventional genetic algorithm for job shop problems.
R Nakano, T Yamada
ICGA 91, 474-479, 1991
A genetic algorithm applicable to large-scale job-shop problems.
T Yamada, R Nakano
PPSN 2, 281-290, 1992
Genetic algorithms, path relinking, and the flowshop sequencing problem
CR Reeves, T Yamada
Evolutionary computation 6 (1), 45-60, 1998
Bayesian unsupervised word segmentation with nested Pitman-Yor language modeling
D Mochihashi, T Yamada, N Ueda
Proceedings of the Joint Conference of the 47th Annual Meeting of the ACL …, 2009
Topic tracking model for analyzing consumer purchase behavior.
T Iwata, S Watanabe, T Yamada, N Ueda
IJCAI 9, 1427-1432, 2009
Genetic algorithms for job-shop scheduling problems
T Yamada, R Nakano
Proceedings of modern heuristic for decision support 6781, 1997
Online multiscale dynamic topic models
T Iwata, T Yamada, Y Sakurai, N Ueda
Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 2010
Job shop scheduling
T Yamada, R Nakano
IEE control Engineering series, 134-134, 1997
Scheduling by genetic local search with multi-step crossover
T Yamada, R Nakano
International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, 960-969, 1996
Job-shop scheduling by simulated annealing combined with deterministic local search
T Yamada, R Nakano
Meta-heuristics: Theory and applications, 237-248, 1996
Probabilistic latent semantic visualization: topic model for visualizing documents
T Iwata, T Yamada, N Ueda
Proceedings of the 14th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 2008
A genetic algorithm with multi-step crossover for job-shop scheduling problems
T Yamada, R Nakano
First International Conference on Genetic Algorithms in Engineering Systems …, 1995
Automatic generation system of multiple-choice cloze questions and its evaluation
T Goto, T Kojiri, T Watanabe, T Iwata, T Yamada
Knowledge Management & E-Learning 2 (3), 210, 2010
Studies on metaheuristics for jobshop and flowshop scheduling problems
T Yamada
京都大学 (Kyoto University), 2003
The ECOlogical Framework II: Improving GA Performance At Virtually Zero Cost.
Y Davidor, T Yamada, R Nakano
ICGA, 171-176, 1993
Extracting Communities from Complex Networks by the k-Dense Method
K Saito, T Yamada, K Kazama
IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and …, 2008
Topigraphy: visualization for large-scale tag clouds
K Fujimura, S Fujimura, T Matsubayashi, T Yamada, H Okuda
Proceedings of the 17th international conference on World Wide Web, 1087-1088, 2008
Comparison of proviral accessory genes between long-term nonprogressors and progressors of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection
T Yamada, A Iwamoto
Archives of virology 145, 1021-1027, 2000
A New Bromopyrrole Alkaloid and the Optical Resolution of the Racemate from the Marine Sponge Homaxinella sp.
A Umeyama, S Ito, E Yuasa, S Arihara, T Yamada
Journal of natural products 61 (11), 1433-1434, 1998
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مقالات 1–20