Naoto Yamauchi
Naoto Yamauchi
Professor, Osaka University
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
A cross-cultural examination of student volunteering: Is it all about résumé building?
F Handy, RA Cnaan, L Hustinx, C Kang, JL Brudney, D Haski-Leventhal, ...
Nonprofit and voluntary sector quarterly 39 (3), 498-523, 2010
Social and cultural origins of motivations to volunteer: A comparison of university students in six countries
L Hustinx, F Handy, RA Cnaan, JL Brudney, AB Pessi, N Yamauchi
International sociology 25 (3), 349-382, 2010
Cultural values and volunteering: A cross-cultural comparison of students’ motivation to volunteer in 13 countries
H Grönlund, K Holmes, C Kang, RA Cnaan, F Handy, JL Brudney, ...
Journal of Academic Ethics 9, 87-106, 2011
Is the government failure theory still relevant? A panel analysis using US state level data
Y Matsunaga, N Yamauchi
Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics 75 (2), 227-263, 2004
What determines the size of the nonprofit sector?: A cross-country analysis of the government failure theory
Y Matsunaga, N Yamauchi, N Okuyama
VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations 21 …, 2010
Students’ vocational choices and voluntary action: A 12-nation study
D Haski-Leventhal, RA Cnaan, F Handy, JL Brudney, K Holmes, L Hustinx, ...
VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations 19 …, 2008
Service-learning: Findings from a 14-nation study
D Haski-Leventhal, H Grönlund, K Holmes, LCPM Meijs, RA Cnaan, ...
Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing 22 (3), 161-179, 2010
Voluntas symposium: Comments on Salamon and Sokolowski’s re-conceptualization of the third sector
J Defourny, K Grønbjerg, L Meijs, M Nyssens, N Yamauchi
VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations 27 …, 2016
Volontiranje studenata u Zagrebu u komparativnom kontekstu
S Zrinščak, I Lakoš, F Handy, R Cnaan, JL Brudney, D Haski-Leventhal, ...
Revija za socijalnu politiku 19 (1), 25-48, 2012
Global philanthropy: Does institutional context matter for charitable giving?
P Wiepking, F Handy, S Park, M Neumayr, R Bekkers, B Breeze, A De Wit, ...
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 50 (4), 697-728, 2021
Effectiveness of social media in disaster fundraising: Mobilizing the public towards voluntary actions
A Okada, Y Ishida, N Yamauchi
International Journal of Public Administration in the Digital Age (IJPADA) 4 …, 2017
What gives? Cross-national differences in students’ giving behavior
C Kang, F Handy, L Hustinx, R Cnaan, JL Brudney, D Haski-Leventhal, ...
The Social Science Journal 48 (2), 283-294, 2011
NPO-dēta-bukku: Nonprofit organization data book
N Yamauchi
Yūhikaku, 1999
Episodic volunteering in sport events: A seven-country analysis
A Okada, Y Ishida, N Yamauchi, H Grönlund, C Zhang, I Krasnopolskaya
VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 1-13, 2021
Functional benefits of the double flap technique after proximal gastrectomy for gastric cancer
Z Saze, K Kase, H Nakano, N Yamauchi, A Kaneta, Y Watanabe, ...
BMC surgery 21 (1), 392, 2021
Social capital and civic activities in Japan
Y Nishide, N Yamauchi
The Nonprofit Review 5 (1), 13-28, 2005
Stromal expression of cancer-associated fibroblast-related molecules, versican and lumican, is strongly associated with worse relapse-free and overall survival times in …
N Yamauchi, Y Kanke, K Saito, H Okayama, S Yamada, S Nakajima, ...
Oncology Letters 21 (6), 445, 2021
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy induces IL34 signaling and promotes chemoresistance via tumor-associated macrophage polarization in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma
S Nakajima, K Mimura, K Saito, AK Thar Min, E Endo, L Yamada, K Kase, ...
Molecular Cancer Research 19 (6), 1085-1095, 2021
Changes in judo kumite tactics according to revisions of the IJF competition rules
M Tamura, N Hirose, M Nakamura, H Saitoh, N Yamauchi, C Tanaka, ...
Jpn Acad Budo 45 (2), 143-149, 2012
The Nonprofit Economy
N Yamauchi
Nihon Hyoronsha, Tokyo, 1997
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20