Anne Jung
Anne Jung
Professorin für Schutzsysteme - Helmut-Schmidt-Universität/Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Nanonickel coated aluminum foam for enhanced impact energy absorption
A Jung, H Natter, S Diebels, E Lach, R Hempelmann
Advanced Engineering Materials 13 (1‐2), 23-28, 2011
New hybrid foam materials for impact protection
A Jung, E Lach, S Diebels
International Journal of Impact Engineering 64, 30-38, 2014
Nanocrystalline alumina dispersed in nanocrystalline nickel: enhanced mechanical properties
A Jung, H Natter, R Hempelmann, E Lach
Journal of materials science 44, 2725-2735, 2009
Microstructural characterisation and experimental determination of a multiaxial yield surface for open-cell aluminium foams
A Jung, S Diebels
Materials & Design 131, 252-264, 2017
Hybrid auxetic structures: Structural optimization and mechanical characterization
S Bronder, M Adorna, T Fíla, P Koudelka, J Falta, O Jiroušek, A Jung
Advanced Engineering Materials 23 (5), 2001393, 2021
Strain-rate effects in Ni/Al composite metal foams from quasi-static to low-velocity impact behaviour
A Jung, AD Pullen, WG Proud
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 85, 1-11, 2016
Micromechanical characterisation of Ni/Al hybrid foams by nano-and microindentation coupled with EBSD
A Jung, Z Chen, J Schmauch, C Motz, S Diebels
Acta Materialia 102, 38-48, 2016
Open-cell aluminium foams with graded coatings as passively controllable energy absorbers
A Jung, LAA Beex, S Diebels, SPA Bordas
Materials & Design 87, 36-41, 2015
Microtensile testing of open-cell metal foams—Experimental setup, micromechanical properties
A Jung, M Wocker, Z Chen, H Seibert
Materials & Design 88, 1021-1030, 2015
Hybrid metal foams
A Jung, MR Koblischka, E Lach, S Diebels, H Natter
International Journal of Material Science 2 (4), 97-107, 2012
Microstructural Analysis of Electrochemical Coated Open-Cell Metal Foams by EBSD and Nanoindentation.
A Jung, S Diebels, A Koblischka‐Veneva, J Schmauch, A Barnoush, ...
Advanced Engineering Materials 16 (1), 2014
Micromechanical characterization of metal foams
A Jung, S Diebels
Advanced Engineering Materials 21 (8), 1900237, 2019
Experimental and numerical investigation of single pores for identification of effective metal foams properties
S Heinze, T Bleistein, A Düster, S Diebels, A Jung
ZAMM‐Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics/Zeitschrift für Angewandte …, 2018
Synthesis and mechanical properties of novel Ni/PU hybrid foams: a new economic composite material for energy absorbers
A Jung, S Diebels
Advanced Engineering Materials 18 (4), 532-541, 2016
In-situ and ex-situ microtensile testing of individual struts of Al foams and Ni/Al hybrid foams
A Jung, J Luksch, S Diebels, F Schäfer, C Motz
Materials & Design 153, 104-119, 2018
Protective performance of hybrid metal foams as MMOD shields
A Klavzar, M Chiroli, A Jung, B Reck
Procedia Engineering 103, 294-301, 2015
Electrodeposition of nanocrystalline metals on open cell metal foams: Improved mechanical properties
A Jung, H Natter, R Hempelmann, S Diebels, MR Koblischka, U Hartmann, ...
ECS Transactions 25 (41), 165, 2010
Design study for multifunctional 3D re‐entrant auxetics
S Bronder, F Herter, A Röhrig, D Bähre, A Jung
Advanced Engineering Materials 24 (1), 2100816, 2022
Metal foams
A Jung, H Natter, R Hemplelmann, E Lach
WO Patent App. PCT/EP2010/003,464, 2010
Metal foams
A Jung, HD Natter, RP Hempelmann, E Lach
EP Patent App. 20,090,007,696, 2009
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مقالات 1–20