Alireza Valizadeh
Alireza Valizadeh
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Effect of duration of synaptic activity on spike rate of a Hodgkin-Huxley neuron with delayed feedback
M Hashemi, A Valizadeh, Y Azizi
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 85 (2 …, 2012
Dendritic and axonal propagation delays determine emergent structures of neuronal networks with plastic synapses
M Madadi Asl, A Valizadeh, PA Tass
Scientific reports 7 (1), 39682, 2017
Dendritic and axonal propagation delays may shape neuronal networks with plastic synapses
M Madadi Asl, A Valizadeh, PA Tass
Frontiers in physiology 9, 1849, 2018
Dopaminergic modulation of synaptic plasticity, its role in neuropsychiatric disorders, and its computational modeling
MM Asl, AH Vahabie, A Valizadeh
Basic and clinical neuroscience 10 (1), 1, 2019
Stimulus-dependent synchronization in delayed-coupled neuronal networks
ZG Esfahani, LL Gollo, A Valizadeh
Scientific reports 6 (1), 23471, 2016
Delay-induced multistability and loop formation in neuronal networks with spike-timing-dependent plasticity
M Madadi Asl, A Valizadeh, PA Tass
Scientific reports 8 (1), 12068, 2018
Spike-Timing-Dependent Plasticity Mediated by Dopamine and its Role in Parkinson’s Disease Pathophysiology
M Madadi Asl, AH Vahabie, A Valizadeh, PA Tass
Frontiers in Network Physiology 2 (817524), 1-18, 2022
Synchronization of delayed coupled neurons in presence of inhomogeneity
S Sadeghi, A Valizadeh
Journal of computational neuroscience 36, 55-66, 2014
Self-organization of synchronous activity propagation in neuronal networks driven by local excitation
M Bayati, A Valizadeh, A Abbassian, S Cheng
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 9, 69, 2015
Effect of synaptic plasticity on the structure and dynamics of disordered networks of coupled neurons
M Bayati, A Valizadeh
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 86 (1 …, 2012
Facilitating the propagation of spiking activity in feedforward networks by including feedback
H Rezaei, A Aertsen, A Kumar, A Valizadeh
PLoS computational biology 16 (8), e1008033, 2020
High frequency neurons determine effective connectivity in neuronal networks
A Pariz, ZG Esfahani, SS Parsi, A Valizadeh, S Canals, CR Mirasso
Neuroimage 166, 349-359, 2018
The Origin of Abnormal Beta Oscillations in the Parkinsonian Corticobasal Ganglia Circuits
A Asadi, M Madadi Asl, AH Vahabie, A Valizadeh
Parkinson’s Disease 2022, 7524066, 2022
Propagation delays determine neuronal activity and synaptic connectivity patterns emerging in plastic neuronal networks
M Madadi Asl, A Valizadeh, PA Tass
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 28 (10), 2018
25th annual computational neuroscience meeting: CNS-2016
TO Sharpee, A Destexhe, M Kawato, V Sekulić, FK Skinner, DK Wójcik, ...
BMC neuroscience 17, 1-112, 2016
Transmission delays and frequency detuning can regulate information flow between brain regions
A Pariz, I Fischer, A Valizadeh, C Mirasso
PLoS computational biology 17 (4), e1008129, 2021
Frequency-dependent organization of the brain’s functional network through delayed-interactions
A Ziaeemehr, M Zarei, A Valizadeh, CR Mirasso
Neural Networks 132, 155-165, 2020
Refractory period in network models of excitable nodes: self-sustaining stable dynamics, extended scaling region and oscillatory behavior
SA Moosavi, A Montakhab, A Valizadeh
Scientific reports 7 (1), 7107, 2017
Decoupling of interacting neuronal populations by time-shifted stimulation through spike-timing-dependent plasticity
M Madadi Asl, A Valizadeh, PA Tass
PLOS Computational Biology 19 (2), e1010853, 2023
Zero-lag synchronization despite inhomogeneities in a relay system
Z Ghasemi Esfahani, A Valizadeh
PloS one 9 (12), e112688, 2014
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مقالات 1–20