Ronald Pöppl
Ronald Pöppl
Senior Lecturer (Geomorphology, Geoecology)
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Connectivity as an emergent property of geomorphic systems
E Wohl, G Brierley, D Cadol, TJ Coulthard, T Covino, KA Fryirs, G Grant, ...
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 44 (1), 4-26, 2019
The way forward: Can connectivity be useful to design better measuring and modelling schemes for water and sediment dynamics?
S Keesstra, JP Nunes, P Saco, T Parsons, R Poeppl, R Masselink, ...
Science of the Total Environment 644, 1557-1572, 2018
Connectivity and complex systems: learning from a multi-disciplinary perspective
L Turnbull, MT Hütt, AA Ioannides, S Kininmonth, R Poeppl, K Tockner, ...
Applied Network Science 3, 1-49, 2018
A conceptual connectivity framework for understanding geomorphic change in human-impacted fluvial systems
R Pöppl, S Keesstra, J Maroulis
Geomorphology 277, 237-250, 2017
Climate and land use change effects on soil erosion in two small agricultural catchment systems Fugnitz–Austria, Can Revull–Spain
G Luetzenburg, MJ Bittner, A Calsamiglia, CS Renschler, J Estrany, ...
Science of the Total Environment 704, 135389, 2020
Introduction to special issue on connectivity in water and sediment dynamics
AJ Parsons, L Bracken, RE Poeppl, J Wainwright, SD Keesstra
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 40 (9), 1275-1277, 2015
Managing sediment (dis) connectivity in fluvial systems
RE Poeppl, KA Fryirs, J Tunnicliffe, GJ Brierley
Science of the Total Environment 736, 139627, 2020
Analysis of lateral sediment connectivity and its connection to debris flow intensity patterns at different return periods in the Fella River system in northeastern Italy
N Schopper, M Mergili, S Frigerio, M Cavalli, R Poeppl
Science of the Total Environment 658, 1586-1600, 2019
The influence of riparian vegetation cover on diffuse lateral sediment connectivity and biogeomorphic processes in a medium‐sized agricultural catchment, Austria
RE Poeppl, M Keiler, K von Elverfeldt, I Zweimueller, T Glade
Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography 94 (4), 511-529, 2012
The geomorphic legacy of small dams—An Austrian study
RE Poeppl, SD Keesstra, T Hein
Anthropocene 10, 43-55, 2015
Modeling the impact of dam removal on channel evolution and sediment delivery in a multiple dam setting
RE Poeppl, T Coulthard, SD Keesstra, M Keiler
International journal of sediment research 34 (6), 537-549, 2019
The geomorphic cell: a basis for studying connectivity
RE Poeppl, AJ Parsons
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 43 (5), 1155-1159, 2018
Combining soil erosion modeling with connectivity analyses to assess lateral fine sediment input into agricultural streams
RE Poeppl, LA Dilly, S Haselberger, CS Renschler, JEM Baartman
Water 11 (9), 1793, 2019
Impact of dams, dam removal and dam-related river engineering structures on sediment connectivity and channel morphology of the Fugnitz and the Kaja Rivers
RE Poeppl, SD Keesstra, M Keiler, T Coulthard, T Glade
Proceedings of the 5th Symposium for Research in Protected Areas, Mittersill …, 2013
Two classes of functional connectivity in dynamical processes in networks
V Voutsa, D Battaglia, LJ Bracken, A Brovelli, J Costescu, M Diaz Munoz, ...
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 18 (183), 20210486, 2021
Connectivity and complex systems: learning from a multi-disciplinary perspective. Applied Network Science 3: 11
L Turnbull, MT Hütt, AA Ioannides, S Kininmonth, R Poeppl, K Tockner, ...
Channel and cut-bluff failure connectivity in a river system: Case study of the braided-wandering Belá River, Western Carpathians, Slovakia
M Rusnák, J Kaňuk, A Kidová, J Šašak, M Lehotský, R Pöppl, J Šupinský
Science of the Total Environment 733, 139409, 2020
Die Fluvialmorphologie der Fugnitz und des Kajabaches. Eine vergleichende Analyse ausgewählter Flussabschnitte unter besonderer Berücksichtigung anthropogener Effekte …
R Pöppl
Institut für Geographie und Regionalforschung, Universität Wien, 2010
(Dis) connectivity in hydro‐geomorphic systems–emerging concepts and their applications
RE Poeppl, LE Polvi, L Turnbull
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 48 (6), 1089-1094, 2023
Monitoring of inundation dynamics in the North-American Prairie Pothole Region using Sentinel-1 time series
S Schlaffer, M Chini, R Pöppl, R Hostache, P Matgen
IGARSS 2018-2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium …, 2018
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مقالات 1–20