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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Regeneration after wildfire in communities dominated by Pinus pinaster, an obligate seeder, and in others dominated by Quercus pyrenaica, a typical resprouter
L Calvo, S Santalla, E Marcos, L Valbuena, R Tárrega, E Luis
Forest Ecology and Management 184 (1-3), 209-223, 2003
Changes in a Humic Cambisol heated (100–500 C) under laboratory conditions: the significance of heating time
E Marcos, R Tárrega, E Luis
Geoderma 138 (3-4), 237-243, 2007
Comparative analysis of Runo and sediment yield with a rainfall simulator after experimental fire
E Marcos, R Tarrega, E Luis-Calabuig
Arid Soil Research and Rehabilitation 14 (3), 293-307, 2000
Fire recurrence and emergency post-fire management influence seedling recruitment and growth by altering plant interactions in fire-prone ecosystems
A Taboada, R Tárrega, E Marcos, L Valbuena, S Suárez-Seoane, L Calvo
Forest Ecology and Management 402, 63-75, 2017
History of landscape changes in northwest Spain according to land use and management
L Calabuig, MR Tárrega García-Mares, ML Calvo Galván, ...
WIT Press, 2000, 2000
Effects of cutting and nitrogen deposition on biodiversity in Cantabrian heathlands
L Calvo, I Alonso, E Marcos, E De Luis
Applied Vegetation Science 10 (1), 43-52, 2007
Evaluation of composite burn index and land surface temperature for assessing soil burn severity in mediterranean fire-prone pine ecosystems
E Marcos, V Fernández-García, A Fernández-Manso, C Quintano, ...
Forests 9 (8), 494, 2018
Effects of fertilization and cutting on the chemical composition of vegetation and soils of mountain heathlands in Spain
E Marcos, L Calvo, E Luis‐Calabuig
Journal of Vegetation Science 14 (3), 417-424, 2003
Efficiency of remote sensing tools for post-fire management along a climatic gradient
JM Fernández-Guisuraga, L Calvo, V Fernández-García, E Marcos-Porras, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 433, 553-562, 2019
Impact of large fires on a community of Pinus pinaster
E Luis-Calabuig, O Torres, L Valbuena, L Calvo, E Marcos
Fire and biological processes, 1-12, 2002
Disruption of trophic interactions involving the heather beetle by atmospheric nitrogen deposition
A Taboada, E Marcos, L Calvo
Environmental Pollution 218, 436-445, 2016
Alteraciones producidas por un incendio forestal en el suelo de una repoblación de" Pinus radiata"
EM Marcos Porras, MR Tárrega García-Mares, L Calabuig
Edafología 6, 27-35, 1999
Effects of sowing native herbaceous species on the post-fire recovery in a heathland
I Fernández-Abascal, R Tárrega, E Luis-Calabuig, E Marcos
Acta Oecologica 24 (3), 131-138, 2003
Interactions between mediterranean shrub species eight years after experimental fire
E Marcos, R Tárrega, E Luis-Calabuig
Plant ecology 170, 235-241, 2004
Transhumant sheep grazing enhances ecosystem multifunctionality in productive mountain grasslands: a case study in the Cantabrian Mountains
JM Fernández-Guisuraga, V Fernández-García, R Tárrega, E Marcos, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10, 861611, 2022
Plant and vegetation functional responses to cumulative high nitrogen deposition in rear-edge heathlands
A Taboada, J Calvo-Fernández, E Marcos, L Calvo
Science of the Total Environment 637, 980-990, 2018
Trends in post-fire biomass recovery in an Erica australis heathland
I Fernandez-Abascal, E Luis, R Tárrega, E Marcos
Bachuys Publishers, Leiden, 33-42, 2002
Splash Erosion on terraces, does it make a difference if the terracing is done before or after a fire?
M Fernández-Raga, MAS Martins, E Marcos Porras, R Fraile, JJ Keizer
Hydrology 8 (4), 180, 2021
Differences in the response to fire of mediterranean shrubland
L Calvo, R Tárrega, E Luis, L Valbuena, E Marcos
New research on forest ecosystems, 21-35, 2005
First years of regeneration in Quercus pyrenaica forest and Pinus pinaster stand after wildland fire.
S Santalla, E Marcos, L Valbuena, L Calvo, R Tárrega, E Luis
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20