Amodal completion: Seeing or thinking? G Kanizsa, W Gerbino | 254 | 1982 |
Convexity and symmetry in figure-ground organization G Kanizsa, R ARNHEIM, M HENLE, W GERBINO Vision and artifact, 1976 | 252 | 1976 |
Intranasal corticosteroids in allergic rhinitis in COVID‐19 infected patients: An ARIA‐EAACI statement J Bousquet, CA Akdis, M Jutel, C Bachert, L Klimek, I Agache, ... Allergy 75 (10), 2440-2444, 2020 | 206 | 2020 |
Handling of allergen immunotherapy in the COVID‐19 pandemic: an ARIA‐EAACI statement L Klimek, M Jutel, C Akdis, J Bousquet, M Akdis, C Bachert, I Agache, ... Allergy 75 (7), 1546-1554, 2020 | 148 | 2020 |
Mental image reversal and verbal recoding: When ducks become rabbits MA Brandimonte, W Gerbino Memory & Cognition 21 (1), 23-33, 1993 | 124 | 1993 |
Transparent layer constancy. W Gerbino, CI Stultiens, JM Troost, CM de Weert Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 16 (1), 3, 1990 | 119 | 1990 |
L'interazione tra bambini L Camaioni, G Attili, W Gerbino, L Stefani Armando, 1983 | 102 | 1983 |
Contour interpolation by vector-field combination C Fantoni, W Gerbino Journal of Vision 3 (4), 4-4, 2003 | 94 | 2003 |
The effect of amodal completion on visual matching W Gerbino, D Salmaso Acta psychologica 65 (1), 25-46, 1987 | 93 | 1987 |
Achromatic transparency W Gerbino Lightness, brightness and transparency, 215-255, 2013 | 73 | 2013 |
Inter-letter spacing, inter-word spacing, and font with dyslexia-friendly features: testing text readability in people with and without dyslexia J Galliussi, L Perondi, G Chia, W Gerbino, P Bernardis Annals of dyslexia 70 (1), 141-152, 2020 | 71 | 2020 |
Perceptual completions R van Lier, W Gerbino | 63 | 2014 |
Figural completion W Gerbino Biocybernetics of vision: Integrative mechanisms and cognitive processes …, 1997 | 60 | 1997 |
Visual display, pointing, and natural language: the power of multimodal interaction A De Angeli, W Gerbino, G Cassano, D Petrelli Proceedings of the working conference on Advanced visual interfaces, 164-173, 1998 | 50 | 1998 |
When imagery fails: Effects of verbal recoding on accessibility MA Brandimonte, W Gerbino Stretching the imagination: Representation and transformation in mental …, 1996 | 46 | 1996 |
Illusory figures based on local kinematics N Bruno, W Gerbino Perception 20 (2), 259-274, 1991 | 46 | 1991 |
Contour curvature polarity and surface interpolation C Fantoni, M Bertamini, W Gerbino Vision Research 45 (8), 1047-1062, 2005 | 45 | 2005 |
Classical and inverted White's effects C Ripamonti, W Gerbino Perception 30 (4), 467-488, 2001 | 35 | 2001 |
Importance of fibroblasts-myofibroblasts in asthma-induced airway remodeling D Desideria, F Chiara, S Francesca, RA Maria, G Cinzia, CG Walter Recent patents on inflammation & allergy drug discovery 1 (3), 237-241, 2007 | 34 | 2007 |
Symmetry in opposite-contrast dot patterns L Zhang, W Gerbino Perception 21 (Suppl 2), 95, 1992 | 32 | 1992 |