Jianyao Jia
Jianyao Jia
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على yzu.edu.cn
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Interpretive structural model based factor analysis of BIM adoption in Chinese construction organizations
G Ma, J Jia, J Ding, S Shang, S Jiang
Sustainability 11 (7), 1982, 2019
Incentives and contract design for knowledge sharing in construction joint ventures
M Guofeng, J Jianyao, J Shan, W Zhijiang
Automation in Construction 119, 103343, 2020
Examining the impact of social media use on project management performance: Evidence from construction projects in China
G Ma, J Jia, J Ding, M Wu, D Wang
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 147 (3), 04021004, 2021
Toward sustaining the development of green residential buildings in China: A tripartite evolutionary game analysis
S Jiang, X Wei, J Jia, G Ma
Building and Environment 223, 109466, 2022
Unveiling the impact of task conflict on construction project performance: Mediating role of knowledge integration
J Jia, G Ma, Z Wu, M Wu, S Jiang
Journal of Management in Engineering 37 (6), 04021060, 2021
Safety risk factors comprehensive analysis for construction project: Combined cascading effect and machine learning approach
G Ma, Z Wu, J Jia, S Shang
Safety science 143, 105410, 2021
Investigating the adoption of social media in the construction industry: empirical evidence from project teams in China
G Ma, S Jiang, J Jia
Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management 29 (10), 3948-3969, 2022
Influence of social media use at work on construction managers' work performance: the knowledge seeker's perspective
J Jia, G Ma, S Jiang, M Wu, Z Wu
Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management 28 (10), 3216-3235, 2021
How inclusive leadership influences voice behavior in construction project teams: A social identity perspective
S Jiang, G Ma, D Wang, J Jia
Project Management Journal 54 (2), 116-131, 2023
Factors influencing BIM integration with emerging technologies: Knowledge coupling perspective
J Jia, M Zhang, G Yang
Journal of Management in Engineering 38 (2), 04022001, 2022
Social power antecedents of knowledge sharing in project-oriented online communities
J Jia, G Ma, H Li, J Ding, K Liu
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2022
Mobile ICT overuse in the construction industry: Effects on job burnout of project managers
S Jiang, G Ma, J Jia, M Wu, Z Wu
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 148 (6), 04022024, 2022
A novel method of developing construction projects schedule under rework scenarios
G Ma, S Jiang, T Zhu, J Jia
Sustainability 11 (20), 5710, 2019
Two-level quality decision support system for building structural damage prediction and maintenance solution recommendation in the operation and maintenance phase
G Ma, M Wu, J Jia, W Yang
Journal of construction engineering and management 147 (6), 04021044, 2021
A critical design structure method for project schedule development under rework risks
G Ma, J Jia, T Zhu, S Jiang
Sustainability 11 (24), 7229, 2019
Transforming vertical leadership into shared leadership in infrastructure project teams: a dual-pathway perspective
X Gan, J Jia, Y Le, Y Hu
Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management 31 (8), 3097-3123, 2024
An innovative method for project transaction mode design based on case-based reasoning: A Chinese case study
J Ding, J Jia, C Jin, N Wang
Sustainability 10 (11), 4127, 2018
How Team Voice Contributes to Construction Project Performance: The Mediating Role of Project Learning and Project Reflexivity
D Wang, J Jia, S Jiang, T Liu, G Ma
Buildings 13 (7), 1599, 2023
From local to the whole: understanding construction projects as multiteam systems
J Jia, Y Li, X Gan, G Ma
International Journal of Managing Projects in Business 16 (2), 355-373, 2023
Exploring factors influencing knowledge sharing in mobile social media groups within construction project teams
J Jia, M Wu, BG Hwang
Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management 32 (2), 1330-1347, 2025
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مقالات 1–20