Alexey S. Bashkuev
Alexey S. Bashkuev
Paleontological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
A probable pollination mode before angiosperms: Eurasian, long-proboscid scorpionflies
D Ren, CC Labandeira, JA Santiago-Blay, A Rasnitsyn, CK Shih, ...
Science 326 (5954), 840-847, 2009
Sequence and scale of changes in the terrestrial biota during the Cretaceous (based on materials from fossil resins)
AP Rasnitsyn, AS Bashkuev, DS Kopylov, ED Lukashevich, ...
Cretaceous Research 61, 234-255, 2016
Fossil insects of the middle and upper Permian of European Russia
DS Aristov, AS Bashkuev, VK Golubev, AV Gorochov, EV Karasev, ...
Paleontological Journal 47, 641-832, 2013
Insects from the Buntsandstein of lower Franconia and Thuringia
A Bashkuev, J Sell, D Aristov, A Ponomarenko, N Sinitshenkova, ...
Paläontologische Zeitschrift 86, 175-185, 2012
The Khasurty fossil insect lagerstätte
DS Kopylov, AP Rasnitsyn, DS Aristov, AS Bashkuev, NV Bazhenova, ...
Paleontological Journal 54, 1221-1394, 2020
Upper Jurassic Lagerstätte Shar Teg, southwestern Mongolia
AG Ponomarenko, DS Aristov, AS Bashkuev, YM Gubin, AV Khramov, ...
Paleontological Journal 48, 1573-1682, 2014
Nedubroviidae, a new family of Mecoptera: the first Paleozoic long-proboscid scorpionflies
AS Bashkuev
Zootaxa 2895 (1), 47-57, 2011
The fossil record of long-proboscid nectarivorous insects
AV Khramov, AS Bashkuev, ED Lukashevich
Entomological Review 100, 881-968, 2020
New beetles larvae (Coleoptera: Coptoclavidae, Carabidae, Polyphaga) from the Upper Triassic of Germany
AA Prokin, KV Makarov, AG Ponomarenko, AS Bashkuev
Russian Entomological Journal 22 (4), 259-274, 2013
Mouthpart homologies and life habits of Mesozoic long-proboscid scorpionflies
X Zhao, B Wang, AS Bashkuev, C Aria, Q Zhang, H Zhang, W Tang, ...
Science Advances 6 (10), eaay1259, 2020
The earliest Mesopsychidae and revision of the family Mesopanorpodidae (Mecoptera)
AS Bashkuev
ZooKeys, 263, 2011
Archaeomalthus-(Coleoptera, Archostemata) a ‘ghost adult’ of Micromalthidae from Upper Permian deposits of Siberia?
EV Yan, RG Beutel, JF Lawrence, MI Yavorskaya, T Hörnschemeyer, ...
Historical Biology 32 (8), 1019-1027, 2020
Insect diversity from the Carboniferous to Recent
VY Dmitriev, DS Aristov, AS Bashkuev, DV Vasilenko, P Vřsanský, ...
Paleontological Journal 52, 610-619, 2018
New triassic hemiptera and mecoptera from South-Western Gondwana (Potrerillos formation, Mendoza province, Argentina)
MB Lara, A Bashkuev
Palaeontographica, Abteilung A: Palaozoologie-Stratigraphie 317 (1-6), 139-163, 2020
New species of Kamopanorpa Martynov from the Permian of South Siberia with comments on the systematic position of Microptysmatidae (Protomeropina= Permotrichoptera)
AS Bashkuev, ID Sukatsheva
Palaeoentomology 4 (5), 453-461, 2021
Revision of the unique Early Cretaceous Mecoptera from Koonwarra (Australia) with description of a new genus and family
W Krzemiński, A Soszyńska-Maj, AS Bashkuev, K Kopeć
Cretaceous Research 52, 501-506, 2015
New insects (Insecta: Mecoptera, Grylloblattida) from the Middle Permian Chepanikha locality, Udmurtia
DS Aristov, AS Bashkuev
Paleontological Journal 42, 159-165, 2008
Argentinopanorpa miguezi gen. et sp. nov.: first record of Triassic Mecoptera (Permochoristidae) from the Cuyo Basin (Mendoza, Argentina)
MB Lara, A Bashkuev, B Wang
Alcheringa: An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology 39 (2), 175-180, 2015
The earliest fossil record of Panorpidae (Mecoptera) from the Middle Jurassic of China
H Ding, C Shih, A Bashkuev, Y Zhao, D Ren
ZooKeys, 79, 2014
New scorpionflies (Insecta: Mecoptera: Permochoristidae) from the Ufimian of Cisuralia
AS Bashkuev
Paleontological Journal 44, 291-296, 2010
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مقالات 1–20