Alessia Calafiore
Alessia Calafiore
Lecturer in Sustainability and Urban Data Science, ESALA/ECA and EFI, University of Edinburgh
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
The 20-minute city: An equity analysis of Liverpool City Region
A Calafiore, R Dunning, A Nurse, A Singleton
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 102, 103111, 2022
Urban exodus? Understanding human mobility in Britain during the COVID‐19 pandemic using Meta‐Facebook data
F Rowe, A Calafiore, D Arribas‐Bel, K Samardzhiev, M Fleischmann
Population, Space and Place 29 (1), e2637, 2023
MiraMap: A We-government Tool for Smart Peripheries in Smart Cities
F De Filippi, C Coscia, G Boella, A Antonini, A Calafiore, A Cantini, ...
IEEE access, 2016
A geographic data science framework for the functional and contextual analysis of human dynamics within global cities
A Calafiore, G Palmer, S Comber, D Arribas-Bel, A Singleton
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 85, 101539, 2021
Transformer based named entity recognition for place name extraction from unstructured text
C Berragan, A Singleton, A Calafiore, J Morley
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 37 (4), 747-766, 2023
FirstLife: Combining social networking and VGI to create an urban coordination and collaboration platform
G Boella, A Calafiore, E Grassi, A Rapp, L Sanasi, C Schifanella
IEEE Access 7, 63230-63246, 2019
First life, the neighborhood social network: A collaborative environment for citizens
A Antonini, G Boella, A Calafiore, C Salaroglio, L Sanasi, C Schifanella
Proceedings of the 19th ACM conference on computer supported cooperative …, 2016
20-minute neighbourhood or 15-minute city?
R Dunning, A Calafiore, A Nurse
Town and Country Planning, 2021
Age and the 20-min city: Accounting for variation in mobility
RJ Dunning, L Dolega, A Nasuto, A Nurse, A Calafiore
Applied geography 156, 103005, 2023
Urban exodus? Understanding human mobility in Britain during the COVID-19 pandemic using facebook data
F Rowe, A Calafiore, D Arribas-Bel, K Samardzhiev, M Fleischmann
arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.03272, 2022
Urban artefacts and their social roles: towards an ontology of social practices
A Calafiore, G Boella, S Borgo, N Guarino
Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, LIPIcs 86, 1-13, 2017
Dalla cartografia partecipativa al crowdmapping. Le VGI come strumento per la partecipazione e la cittadinanza attiva
G Boella, A Calafiore, E Dansero, G Pettenati
Semestrale di studi e ricerche di geografia 29 (1), 51-62, 2017
Interactive urban maps for people with autism spectrum disorder
A Rapp, F Cena, G Boella, A Antonini, A Calafiore, S Buccoliero, ...
Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors …, 2017
Gamifying the city: Pervasive game elements in the urban environment
A Calafiore, A Rapp
Ceur workshop proceedings 1715, 1-6, 2016
Functional signatures in Great Britain: A dataset
K Samardzhiev, M Fleischmann, D Arribas-Bel, A Calafiore, F Rowe
Data in brief 43, 108335, 2022
Decomposing the temporal signature of nitrogen dioxide declines during the COVID-19 pandemic in UK urban areas
A Calafiore, JL Macdonald, A Singleton
Applied spatial analysis and policy 15 (4), 1167-1191, 2022
Measuring Beauty in Urban Settings.
A Calafiore
The Proceedings of the 28th GISRUK conference, 21st-23rd June 2020, 2020
Sees@ w: Internet of persons meets internet of things for safety at work
A Antonini, G Boella, A Calafiore, F Cena, I Lombardi, C Salaroglio, ...
Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative …, 2016
15-minute cities: how to separate the reality from the conspiracy theory
A Nurse, A Calafiore, RJ Dunning
The conversation. Available: https://theconversation. com/15-minute-cities …, 2023
Holistic user models for cognitive disabilities: Personalized tools for supporting people with autism in the city
A Rapp, F Cena, C Mattutino, A Calafiore, C Schifanella, E Grassi, ...
Adjunct Publication of the 26th Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and …, 2018
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مقالات 1–20