Elina Jaakkola
Elina Jaakkola
Professor of Marketing, Turku School of Economics, University of Turku
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
The role of customer engagement behavior in value co-creation: a service system perspective
E Jaakkola, M Alexander
Journal of service research 17 (3), 247-261, 2014
Designing conceptual articles: four approaches
E Jaakkola
AMS review 10 (1), 18-26, 2020
Value co-creation in knowledge intensive business services: A dyadic perspective on the joint problem solving process
L Aarikka-Stenroos, E Jaakkola
Industrial marketing management 41 (1), 15-26, 2012
Customer experience: fundamental premises and implications for research
L Becker, E Jaakkola
Journal of the academy of marketing science 48, 630-648, 2020
Service experience co-creation: conceptualization, implications, and future research directions
E Jaakkola, A Helkkula, L Aarikka-Stenroos
Journal of service management 26 (2), 182-205, 2015
Customer experience management in hospitality: A literature synthesis, new understanding and research agenda
J Kandampully, T Zhang, E Jaakkola
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 30 (1), 21-56, 2018
Value co-creation in solution networks
E Jaakkola, T Hakanen
Industrial Marketing Management 42 (1), 47-58, 2013
Fresh perspectives on customer experience
JR McColl-Kennedy, A Gustafsson, E Jaakkola, P Klaus, ZJ Radnor, ...
Journal of Services Marketing 29 (6/7), 430-435, 2015
Customer participation and value creation: a systematic review and research implications
M Mustak, E Jaakkola, A Halinen
Managing Service Quality: An International Journal, 2013
Palvelujen tuotteistamisesta kilpailuetua. Opas yrityksille.
E Jaakkola, M Orava, V Varjonen
Tekes, Helsinki, 2007
Actor engagement in networks: Defining the conceptual domain
RJ Brodie, JA Fehrer, E Jaakkola, J Conduit
Journal of service research 22 (2), 173-188, 2019
Zooming out: actor engagement beyond the dyadic
MJ Alexander, E Jaakkola, LD Hollebeek
Journal of Service Management 29 (3), 333-351, 2018
A bricolage perspective on service innovation
L Witell, H Gebauer, E Jaakkola, W Hammedi, L Patricio, H Perks
Journal of Business Research 79, 290-298, 2017
Co‐creating customer‐focused solutions within business networks: a service perspective
T Hakanen, E Jaakkola
Journal of Service Management, 2012
How to manage innovation processes in extensive networks: A longitudinal study
L Aarikka-Stenroos, E Jaakkola, D Harrison, T Mäkitalo-Keinonen
Industrial marketing management 67, 88-105, 2017
Digital content marketing in business markets: Activities, consequences, and contingencies along the customer journey
H Terho, J Mero, L Siutla, E Jaakkola
Industrial Marketing Management 105, 294-310, 2022
Customer participation management: Developing a comprehensive framework and a research agenda
M Mustak, E Jaakkola, A Halinen, V Kaartemo
Journal of Service Management 27 (3), 250-275, 2016
Accessing resources for service innovation–the critical role of network relationships
H Rusanen, A Halinen, E Jaakkola
Journal of Service Management 25 (1), 2-29, 2014
Unraveling the practices of “productization” in professional service firms
E Jaakkola
Scandinavian journal of management 27 (2), 221-230, 2011
Drivers, types and value outcomes of customer-to-customer interaction: An integrative review and research agenda
K Heinonen, E Jaakkola, I Neganova
Journal of Service Theory and Practice 28 (6), 710-732, 2018
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مقالات 1–20