David Hart
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Water network tool for resilience (WNTR) user manual
KA Klise, D Hart, DM Moriarty, ML Bynum, R Murray, J Burkhardt, ...
Sandia National Lab.(SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States), 2017
Molecular simulation of structure and diffusion at smectite–water interfaces: Using expanded clay interlayers as model nanopores
JA Greathouse, DB Hart, GM Bowers, RJ Kirkpatrick, RT Cygan
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (30), 17126-17136, 2015
Water quality event detection systems for drinking water contamination warning systems—development, testing, and application of CANARY
R Murray, T Haxton, SA McKenna, DB Hart, K Klise, M Koch, ED Vugrin, ...
EPAI600IR-lOI036, US, 2010
CANARY: a water quality event detection algorithm development tool
D Hart, SA McKenna, K Klise, V Cruz, M Wilson
World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2007: Restoring Our Natural …, 2007
Parameter estimation and predictive uncertainty in stochastic inverse modeling of groundwater flow: Comparing null‐space Monte Carlo and multiple starting point methods
H Yoon, DB Hart, SA McKenna
Water Resources Research 49 (1), 536-553, 2013
Computing the 7 Li NMR chemical shielding of hydrated Li+ using cluster calculations and time-averaged configurations from ab initio molecular dynamics simulations
TM Alam, D Hart, SLB Rempe
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 13 (30), 13629-13637, 2011
Event detection from water quality time series
SA McKenna, D Hart, K Klise, V Cruz, M Wilson
World environmental and water resources congress 2007: Restoring our natural …, 2007
Ab initio molecular dynamics determination of competitive O 2 vs. N 2 adsorption at open metal sites of M 2 (dobdc)
MV Parkes, JA Greathouse, DB Hart, DFS Gallis, TM Nenoff
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 (16), 11528-11538, 2016
CANARY user’s manual, version 4.1
DB Hart, SA McKenna
US Environmental Protection Agency 40 (EPA/600/R-08), 2009, 2009
Alcohol and thiol adsorption on (oxy) hydroxide and carbon surfaces: Molecular dynamics simulation and desorption experiments
JA Greathouse, DB Hart, ME Ochs
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116 (51), 26756-26764, 2012
Impact of sensor detection limits on protecting water distribution systems from contamination events
SA McKenna, DB Hart, L Yarrington
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 132 (4), 305-309, 2006
Non-uniqueness of inverse transmissivity field calibration and predictive transport modeling
SA McKenna, J Doherty, DB Hart
Journal of Hydrology 281 (4), 265-280, 2003
Quantifying hydraulic and water quality uncertainty to inform sampling of drinking water distribution systems
D Hart, JS Rodriguez, J Burkhardt, B Borchers, C Laird, R Murray, K Klise, ...
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 145 (1), 04018084, 2019
Water Network Tool for Resilience (WNTR) User Manual, US Environmental Protection Agency Technical Report
KA Klise, DB Hart, D Moriarty, M Bynum, R Murray, J Burkhardt, T Haxton
EPA/600/R-17/264, 2017
Water Network Tool for Resilience (WNTR). User Manual, Version 0.2. 3
K Klise, D Hart, M Bynum, J Hogge, T Haxton, R Murray, J Burkhardt
Sandia National Lab.(SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States), 2020
Trajectory clustering approach for reducing water quality event false alarms
E Vugrin, SA McKenna, D Hart
World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2009: Great Rivers, 1-10, 2009
Combining water quality and operational data for improved event detection
DB Hart, SA McKenna, R Murray, T Haxton
Water Distribution Systems Analysis 2010, 287-295, 2010
Canary user’s manual, version 4.3. 2
DB Hart, SA McKenna
National Homeland Security Research Center, US Environmental Protection …, 2012
Structural properties of aqueous solutions at the (100) and (101) goethite surfaces by molecular dynamics simulation
LJ Criscenti, TA Ho, D Hart
Langmuir 34 (48), 14498-14510, 2018
Wellbore cement fracture permeability as a function of confining stress and pore pressure
M Hatambeigi, I Anwar, DL Lord, D Hart, MR Taha, JC Stormont
Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment 33, 100428, 2023
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مقالات 1–20