Jean-Louis Thonnard
Jean-Louis Thonnard
Professor, Institute of Neuroscience, University of Louvain
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
ABILHAND-Kids: a measure of manual ability in children with cerebral palsy
C Arnould, M Penta, A Renders, JL Thonnard
Neurology 63 (6), 1045-1052, 2004
Importance of cutaneous feedback in maintaining a secure grip during manipulation of hand-held objects
AS Augurelle, AM Smith, T Lejeune, JL Thonnard
Journal of neurophysiology 89 (2), 665-671, 2003
The ABILHAND questionnaire as a measure of manual ability in chronic stroke patients: Rasch-based validation and relationship to upper limb impairment
M Penta, L Tesio, C Arnould, A Zancan, JL Thonnard
Stroke 32 (7), 1627-1634, 2001
Dissociating the role of ventral and dorsal premotor cortex in precision grasping
M Davare, M Andres, G Cosnard, JL Thonnard, E Olivier
Journal of Neuroscience 26 (8), 2260-2268, 2006
Assessing and adjusting for cross-cultural validity of impairment and activity limitation scales through differential item functioning within the framework of the Rasch model …
A Tennant, M Penta, L Tesio, G Grimby, JL Thonnard, A Slade, G Lawton, ...
Medical care 42 (1), I-37, 2004
Finger pad friction and its role in grip and touch
MJ Adams, SA Johnson, P Lefèvre, V Lévesque, V Hayward, T André, ...
Journal of The Royal Society Interface 10 (80), 20120467, 2013
ABILHAND: a Rasch-built measure of manual ability
M Penta, JL Thonnard, L Tesio
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 79 (9), 1038-1042, 1998
The cutaneous contribution to adaptive precision grip
AG Witney, A Wing, JL Thonnard, AM Smith
Trends in neurosciences 27 (10), 637-643, 2004
Hand impairments and their relationship with manual ability in children with cerebral palsy
C Arnould, M Penta, JL Thonnard
J Rehabil Med 39 (9), 708-14, 2007
The use of outcome measures in physical medicine and rehabilitation within Europe
R Haigh, A Tennant, F Biering-Sorensen, G Grimby, C Marincek, ...
Journal of rehabilitation medicine 33 (6), 273-278, 2001
Dynamics of fingertip contact during the onset of tangential slip
B Delhaye, P Lefevre, JL Thonnard
Journal of The Royal Society Interface 11 (100), 20140698, 2014
Correlation between impaired dexterity and corticospinal tract dysgenesis in congenital hemiplegia
J Duque, JL Thonnard, Y Vandermeeren, G Sébire, G Cosnard, E Olivier
Brain 126 (3), 732-747, 2003
Texture-induced vibrations in the forearm during tactile exploration
B Delhaye, V Hayward, P Lefèvre, JL Thonnard
Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience 6, 37, 2012
Temporal dissociation between hand shaping and grip force scaling in the anterior intraparietal area
M Davare, M Andres, E Clerget, JL Thonnard, E Olivier
Journal of Neuroscience 27 (15), 3974-3980, 2007
Hand functioning in children with cerebral palsy
C Arnould, Y Bleyenheuft, JL Thonnard
Frontiers in neurology 5, 48, 2014
Effect of skin hydration on the dynamics of fingertip gripping contact
T André, V Lévesque, V Hayward, P Lefèvre, JL Thonnard
Journal of The Royal Society Interface 8 (64), 1574-1583, 2011
ACTIVLIM: a Rasch-built measure of activity limitations in children and adults with neuromuscular disorders
L Vandervelde, PYK Van den Bergh, N Goemans, JL Thonnard
Neuromuscular disorders 17 (6), 459-469, 2007
Influence of structural pelvic disorders during standing and walking in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis
P Mahaudens, JL Thonnard, C Detrembleur
The Spine Journal 5 (4), 427-433, 2005
Role of the ipsilateral primary motor cortex in controlling the timing of hand muscle recruitment
M Davare, J Duque, Y Vandermeeren, JL Thonnard, E Olivier
Cerebral cortex 17 (2), 353-362, 2007
Surface strain measurements of fingertip skin under shearing
B Delhaye, A Barrea, BB Edin, P Lefèvre, JL Thonnard
Journal of The Royal Society Interface 13 (115), 20150874, 2016
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مقالات 1–20