Mohammed A Bari
Mohammed A Bari
Science Leader, Water Models Team, Science and Innovation Group Bureau of Meteorology
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Climate change and runoff in south-western Australia
RP Silberstein, SK Aryal, J Durrant, M Pearcey, M Braccia, SP Charles, ...
Journal of Hydrology 475, 441-455, 2012
How streamflow has changed across Australia since the 1950s: evidence from the network of hydrologic reference stations
XS Zhang, GE Amirthanathan, MA Bari, RM Laugesen, D Shin, DM Kent, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 20 (9), 3947-3965, 2016
Changes in streamflow components following logging and regeneration in the southern forest of Western Australia
MA Bari, N Smith, JK Ruprecht, BW Boyd
Hydrological Processes 10 (3), 447-461, 1996
Effect of GCM bias on downscaled precipitation and runoff projections for the Serpentine catchment, Western Australia
SP Charles, MA Bari, A Kitsios, BC Bates
International Journal of Climatology: A Journal of the Royal Meteorological …, 2007
Groundwater response to reforestation in the Darling Range of Western Australia
RW Bell, NJ Schofield, IC Loh, MA Bari
Journal of Hydrology 119 (1-4), 179-200, 1990
Predicted salinity impacts from land use change: comparison between rapid assessment approaches and a detailed modelling framework
C Beverly, M Bari, B Christy, M Hocking, K Smettem
Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 45 (11), 1453-1469, 2005
Lowering of a shallow, saline water table by extensive eucalypt reforestation
MA Bari, NJ Schofield
Journal of Hydrology 133 (3-4), 273-291, 1992
Stream salinity status and trends in south-west Western Australia
X Mayer, JK Ruprecht, M Bari
Natural Resource Management and Salinity Division, Dept. of Environment, 2005
A conceptual model of daily water balance following partial clearing from forest to pasture
MA Bari, KRJ Smettem
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 10 (3), 321-337, 2006
On the non-stationarity of hydrological response in anthropogenically unaffected catchments: an Australian perspective
H Ajami, A Sharma, LE Band, JP Evans, NK Tuteja, GE Amirthanathan, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 21 (1), 281-294, 2017
Understanding changes in annual runoff following land use changes: A systematic data‐based approach
MA Bari, KRJ Smettem, M Sivapalan
Hydrological Processes: An International Journal 19 (13), 2463-2479, 2005
Water yield response to land use change in south-west Western Australia
MA Bari, JK Ruprecht
Dept. of Environment, 2003
WEC-C: a distributed, deterministic catchment model—theory, formulation and testing
JT Croton, DA Barry
Environmental Modelling & Software 16 (7), 583-599, 2001
Australian network of hydrologic reference stations-advances in design, development and implementation
M Turner, M Bari, G Amirthanathan, Z Ahmad
34th hydrology and water resources symposium, 19-22, 2012
Effects of agroforestry-pasture associations on groundwater level and salinity
MA Bari, NJ Schofield
Agroforestry Systems 16, 13-31, 1991
An assessment of CMIP5 multi-model decadal hindcasts over Australia from a hydrological viewpoint
R Mehrotra, A Sharma, M Bari, N Tuteja, G Amirthanathan
Journal of Hydrology 519, 2932-2951, 2014
Hydrologic impact of climate change on Murray–Hotham catchment of Western Australia: a projection of rainfall–runoff for future water resources planning
SA Islam, MA Bari, A Anwar
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 18 (9), 3591-3614, 2014
Dynamics of seasonal recharge beneath a semiarid vegetation on the Gnangara Mound, Western Australia
ML Sharma, M Bari, J Byrne
Hydrological processes 5 (4), 383-398, 1991
Development of a national 7-day ensemble streamflow forecasting service for Australia
HAP Hapuarachchi, MA Bari, A Kabir, MM Hasan, FM Woldemeskel, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 26 (18), 4801-4821, 2022
Modelling monthly runoff generation processes following land use changes: groundwater–surface runoff interactions
M Bari, KRJ Smettem
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 8 (5), 903-922, 2004
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مقالات 1–20