Angela Marchi
Angela Marchi
School of Civil, Environmental and Mining Engineering, University of Adelaide
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على adelaide.edu.au - الصفحة الرئيسية
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Evolutionary algorithms and other metaheuristics in water resources: Current status, research challenges and future directions
HR Maier, Z Kapelan, J Kasprzyk, J Kollat, LS Matott, MC Cunha, ...
Environmental Modelling & Software 62, 271-299, 2014
Battle of the water networks II
A Marchi, E Salomons, A Ostfeld, Z Kapelan, AR Simpson, AC Zecchin, ...
Journal of water resources planning and management 140 (7), 04014009, 2014
Sweating the assets–the role of instrumentation, control and automation in urban water systems
Z Yuan, G Olsson, R Cardell-Oliver, K van Schagen, A Marchi, A Deletic, ...
Water research 155, 381-402, 2019
Assessing variable speed pump efficiency in water distribution systems
A Marchi, AR Simpson, N Ertugrul
Drinking Water Engineering and Science 5 (1), 15-21, 2012
Evaluating the approximation of the affinity laws and improving the efficiency estimate for variable speed pumps
AR Simpson, A Marchi
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 139 (12), 1314-1317, 2013
Genetic heritage evolution by stochastic transmission in the optimal design of water distribution networks
A Bolognesi, C Bragalli, A Marchi, S Artina
Advances in Engineering Software 41 (5), 792-801, 2010
Incorporation of variable-speed pumping in multiobjective genetic algorithm optimization of the design of water transmission systems
W Wu, AR Simpson, HR Maier, A Marchi
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 138 (5), 543-552, 2012
Methodology for comparing evolutionary algorithms for optimization of water distribution systems
A Marchi, G Dandy, A Wilkins, H Rohrlach
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 140 (1), 22-31, 2014
Leak-before-break main failure prevention for water distribution pipes using acoustic smart water technologies: Case study in Adelaide
M Stephens, J Gong, C Zhang, A Marchi, L Dix, MF Lambert
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 146 (10), 05020020, 2020
Correction of the EPANET Inaccuracy in Computing the Efficiency of Variable Speed Pumps
A Marchi, AR Simpson
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 139 (4), 456-459, 2013
Improved understanding of the searching behavior of ant colony optimization algorithms applied to the water distribution design problem
AC Zecchin, AR Simpson, HR Maier, A Marchi, JB Nixon
Water Resources Research 48 (9), 2012
Optimization of pump operation using rule-based controls in EPANET2: New ETTAR toolkit and correction of energy computation
A Marchi, AR Simpson, MF Lambert
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 142 (7), 04016012, 2016
Contribution of parallel NSGA-II in optimal design of water distribution networks
S Artina, C Bragalli, G Erbacci, A Marchi, M Rivi
Journal of Hydroinformatics 14 (2), 310-323, 2012
Identification of optimal water supply portfolios for a major city
W Wu, GC Dandy, HR Maier, S Maheepala, A Marchi, F Mirza
Journal of water resources planning and management 143 (9), 05017007, 2017
An integrated framework for selecting and evaluating the performance of stormwater harvesting options to supplement existing water supply systems
GC Dandy, A Marchi, HR Maier, J Kandulu, DH MacDonald, A Ganji
Environmental Modelling & Software 122, 104554, 2019
Comparison of pumping regimes for water distribution systems to minimize cost and greenhouse gases
LJ Blinco, AR Simpson, MF Lambert, A Marchi
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 142 (6), 04016010, 2016
Pump operation optimization using rule-based controls
A Marchi, AR Simpson, MF Lambert
Procedia Engineering 186, 210-217, 2017
Genetic algorithm optimization of operational costs and greenhouse gas emissions for water distribution systems
LJ Blinco, AR Simpson, MF Lambert, CA Auricht, NE Hurr, SM Tiggemann, ...
Procedia Engineering 89, 509-516, 2014
Integrated approach for optimizing the design of aquifer storage and recovery stormwater harvesting schemes accounting for externalities and climate change
A Marchi, GC Dandy, HR Maier
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 142 (4), 04016002, 2016
Managed aquifer recharge and stormwater use options: Net benefits report
G Dandy, A Ganji, J Kandulu, D Hatton MacDonald, A Marchi, H Maier, ...
Goyder Institute for Water Research. Goyder Institute for Water Research, 2013
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مقالات 1–20