Geoffrey Spinks
Geoffrey Spinks
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على uow.edu.au
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Carbon Nanotube Actuators
et al. Baughman, Cui, Zakhidov, Iqbar, Barisci, Spinks, Wallace, Mazzoldi ...
Science 284 (5418), 1340-1344, 1999
Conductive electroactive polymers: intelligent polymer systems
GG Wallace, PR Teasdale, GM Spinks, LAP Kane-Maguire
CRC press, 2008
Use of ionic liquids for π-conjugated polymer electrochemical devices
W Lu, AG Fadeev, B Qi, E Smela, BR Mattes, J Ding, GM Spinks, ...
Science 297 (5583), 983-987, 2002
Artificial muscles from fishing line and sewing thread
CS Haines, MD Lima, N Li, GM Spinks, J Foroughi, JDW Madden, SH Kim, ...
science 343 (6173), 868-872, 2014
Electroactive conducting polymers for corrosion control: Part 1. General introduction and a review of non-ferrous metals
DE Tallman, G Spinks, A Dominis, GG Wallace
Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 6, 73-84, 2002
Electrically, chemically, and photonically powered torsional and tensile actuation of hybrid carbon nanotube yarn muscles
MD Lima, N Li, M Jung de Andrade, S Fang, J Oh, GM Spinks, ME Kozlov, ...
science 338 (6109), 928-932, 2012
Torsional carbon nanotube artificial muscles
J Foroughi, GM Spinks, GG Wallace, J Oh, ME Kozlov, S Fang, ...
Science 334 (6055), 494-497, 2011
Electroactive conducting polymers for corrosion control: part 2. Ferrous metals
GM Spinks, AJ Dominis, GG Wallace, DE Tallman
Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 6, 85-100, 2002
Ultrafast charge and discharge biscrolled yarn supercapacitors for textiles and microdevices
JA Lee, MK Shin, SH Kim, HU Cho, GM Spinks, GG Wallace, MD Lima, ...
Nature communications 4 (1), 1970, 2013
4D Printing with Mechanically Robust, Thermally Actuating Hydrogels.
SE Bakarich, R Gorkin, GM Spinks
Macromolecular rapid communications 36 (12), 2015
Synergistic toughening of composite fibres by self-alignment of reduced graphene oxide and carbon nanotubes
MK Shin, B Lee, SH Kim, JA Lee, GM Spinks, S Gambhir, GG Wallace, ...
Nature communications 3 (1), 650, 2012
3D printing of transparent and conductive heterogeneous hydrogel–elastomer systems
K Tian, J Bae, SE Bakarich, C Yang, RD Gately, GM Spinks, ...
Advanced Materials 29 (10), 1604827, 2017
New twist on artificial muscles
CS Haines, N Li, GM Spinks, AE Aliev, J Di, RH Baughman
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (42), 11709-11716, 2016
Graphene oxide dispersions: tuning rheology to enable fabrication
S Naficy, R Jalili, SH Aboutalebi, RA Gorkin III, K Konstantinov, PC Innis, ...
Materials Horizons 1 (3), 326-331, 2014
Mechanism of electromechanical actuation in polypyrrole
MR Gandhi, P Murray, GM Spinks, GG Wallace
Synthetic metals 73 (3), 247-256, 1995
Progress toward robust polymer hydrogels
S Naficy, HR Brown, JM Razal, GM Spinks, PG Whitten
Australian Journal of Chemistry 64 (8), 1007-1025, 2011
Use of ionic liquids as electrolytes in electromechanical actuator systems based on inherently conducting polymers
J Ding, D Zhou, G Spinks, G Wallace, S Forsyth, M Forsyth, D MacFarlane
Chemistry of materials 15 (12), 2392-2398, 2003
Carbon‐nanotube‐reinforced polyaniline fibers for high‐strength artificial muscles
GM Spinks, V Mottaghitalab, M Bahrami‐Samani, PG Whitten, ...
Advanced Materials 18 (5), 637-640, 2006
Sheath-run artificial muscles
J Mu, M Jung de Andrade, S Fang, X Wang, E Gao, N Li, SH Kim, H Wang, ...
Science 365 (6449), 150-155, 2019
4D printing of reversible shape morphing hydrogel structures
S Naficy, R Gately, R Gorkin III, H Xin, GM Spinks
Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 302 (1), 1600212, 2017
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مقالات 1–20