M Tracie Shea
M Tracie Shea
Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Brown University
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
National Institute of Mental Health treatment of depression collaborative research program: General effectiveness of treatments
I Elkin, MT Shea, JT Watkins, SD Imber, SM Sotsky, JF Collins, DR Glass, ...
Archives of general psychiatry 46 (11), 971-982, 1989
Influence of psychiatric comorbidity on recovery and recurrence in generalized anxiety disorder, social phobia, and panic disorder: a 12-year prospective study
SE Bruce, KA Yonkers, MW Otto, JL Eisen, RB Weisberg, M Pagano, ...
American Journal of psychiatry 162 (6), 1179-1187, 2005
Multiple recurrences of major depressive disorder
DA Solomon, MB Keller, AC Leon, TI Mueller, PW Lavori, MT Shea, ...
American Journal of Psychiatry 157 (2), 229-233, 2000
Cognitive behavioral therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder in women: A randomized controlled trial
PP Schnurr, MJ Friedman, CC Engel, EB Foa, MT Shea, BK Chow, ...
Jama 297 (8), 820-830, 2007
Ten-year course of borderline personality disorder: psychopathology and function from the Collaborative Longitudinal Personality Disorders study
JG Gunderson, RL Stout, TH McGlashan, MT Shea, LC Morey, CM Grilo, ...
Archives of general psychiatry 68 (8), 827-837, 2011
Treatment utilization by patients with personality disorders
DS Bender, RT Dolan, AE Skodol, CA Sanislow, IR Dyck, TH McGlashan, ...
American Journal of psychiatry 158 (2), 295-302, 2001
The collaborative longitudinal personality disorders study: Reliability of axis I and II diagnoses
MC Zanarini, AE Skodol, D Bender, R Dolan, C Sanislow, E Schaefer, ...
Journal of personality disorders 14 (4), 291-299, 2000
Functional impairment in patients with schizotypal, borderline, avoidant, or obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
AE Skodol, JG Gunderson, TH McGlashan, IR Dyck, RL Stout, DS Bender, ...
American journal of psychiatry 159 (2), 276-283, 2002
Patient predictors of response to psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy: findings in the NIMH Treatment of Depression Collaborative Research Program
SM Sotsky, DR Glass, MT Shea, PA Pilkonis, F Collins, I Elkin, JT Watkins, ...
Focus 148 (2), 997-290, 2006
Some conceptual and statistical issues in analysis of longitudinal psychiatric data: Application to the NIMH Treatment of Depression Collaborative Research Program dataset
RD Gibbons, D Hedeker, I Elkin, C Waternaux, HC Kraemer, ...
Archives of general psychiatry 50 (9), 739-750, 1993
Course of depressive symptoms over follow-up: findings from the National Institute of Mental Health Treatment of Depression Collaborative Research Program
MT Shea, I Elkin, SD Imber, SM Sotsky, JT Watkins, JF Collins, ...
Archives of general psychiatry 49 (10), 782-787, 1992
The collaborative longitudinal personality disorders study: Baseline axis I/II and II/II diagnostic co‐occurrence
TH McGlashan, CM Grilo, AE Skodol, JG Gunderson, MT Shea, LC Morey, ...
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 102 (4), 256-264, 2000
The collaborative longitudinal personality disorders study (CLPS): Overview and implications
AE Skodol, JG Gunderson, MT Shea, TH McGlashan, LC Morey, ...
Journal of personality disorders 19 (5), 487-504, 2005
Childhood maltreatment associated with adult personality disorders: findings from the Collaborative Longitudinal Personality Disorders Study
CL Battle, MT Shea, DM Johnson, S Yen, C Zlotnick, MC Zanarini, ...
Journal of personality Disorders 18 (2), 193-211, 2004
Randomized trial of trauma-focused group therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder: Results from a Department of Veterans Affairs cooperative study
PP Schnurr, MJ Friedman, DW Foy, MT Shea, FY Hsieh, PW Lavori, ...
Archives of general psychiatry 60 (5), 481-489, 2003
Impact of perfectionism and need for approval on the brief treatment of depression: the National Institute of Mental Health Treatment of Depression Collaborative Research …
SJ Blatt, DM Quinlan, PA Pilkonis, MT Shea
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 63 (1), 125, 1995
Two-year prevalence and stability of individual DSM-IV criteria for schizotypal, borderline, avoidant, and obsessive-compulsive personality disorders: toward a hybrid model of …
TH McGlashan, CM Grilo, CA Sanislow, E Ralevski, LC Morey, ...
American journal of psychiatry 162 (5), 883-889, 2005
Mode-specific effects among three treatments for depression.
SD Imber, PA Pilkonis, SM Sotsky, I Elkin, JT Watkins, JF Collins, ...
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 58 (3), 352, 1990
The relationship between dissociative symptoms, alexithymia, impulsivity, sexual abuse, and self-mutilation
C Zlotnick, MT Shea, T Pearlstein, E Simpson, E Costello, A Begin
Comprehensive psychiatry 37 (1), 12-16, 1996
Traumatic exposure and posttraumatic stress disorder in borderline, schizotypal, avoidant, and obsessive-compulsive personality disorders: fingings from the collaborative …
S Yen, MT Shea, CL Battle, DM Johnson, C Zlotnick, R Dolan-Sewell, ...
The Journal of nervous and mental disease 190 (8), 510-518, 2002
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