Yu Bi
Yu Bi
ICFO-Institut de Ciencies Fotoniques
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
A nanocomposite ultraviolet photodetector based on interfacial trap-controlled charge injection
F Guo, B Yang, Y Yuan, Z Xiao, Q Dong, Y Bi, J Huang
Nature nanotechnology 7 (12), 798-802, 2012
Charge carrier lifetimes exceeding 15 μs in methylammonium lead iodide single crystals
Y Bi, EM Hutter, Y Fang, Q Dong, J Huang, TJ Savenije
The journal of physical chemistry letters 7 (5), 923-928, 2016
Air stable, photosensitive, phase pure iron pyrite nanocrystal thin films for photovoltaic application
Y Bi, Y Yuan, CL Exstrom, SA Darveau, J Huang
Nano letters 11 (11), 4953-4957, 2011
High-efficiency colloidal quantum dot infrared light-emitting diodes via engineering at the supra-nanocrystalline level
S Pradhan, F Di Stasio, Y Bi, S Gupta, S Christodoulou, A Stavrinadis, ...
Nature nanotechnology 14 (1), 72-79, 2019
Infrared Solution‐Processed Quantum Dot Solar Cells Reaching External Quantum Efficiency of 80% at 1.35 µm and Jsc in Excess of 34 mA cm−2
Y Bi, S Pradhan, S Gupta, MZ Akgul, A Stavrinadis, G Konstantatos
Advanced Materials 30 (7), 1704928, 2018
Trap‐state suppression and improved charge transport in PbS quantum dot solar cells with synergistic mixed‐ligand treatments
S Pradhan, A Stavrinadis, S Gupta, Y Bi, F Di Stasio, G Konstantatos
Small 13 (21), 1700598, 2017
Reduction of moisture sensitivity of PbS quantum dot solar cells by incorporation of reduced graphene oxide
B Martín-García, Y Bi, M Prato, D Spirito, R Krahne, G Konstantatos, ...
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 183, 1-7, 2018
Silver telluride colloidal quantum dot infrared photodetectors and image sensors
Y Wang, L Peng, J Schreier, Y Bi, A Black, A Malla, S Goossens, ...
Nature Photonics 18 (3), 236-242, 2024
Efficient hybrid plasmonic polymer solar cells with Ag nanoparticle decorated TiO2 nanorods embedded in the active layer
K Liu, Y Bi, S Qu, F Tan, D Chi, S Lu, Y Li, Y Kou, Z Wang
Nanoscale 6 (11), 6180-6186, 2014
Highly transparent and conductive ITO substrates for near infrared applications
RA Maniyara, C Graham, B Paulillo, Y Bi, Y Chen, G Herranz, DE Baker, ...
Apl Materials 9 (2), 2021
Graphene–quantum dot hybrid photodetectors with low dark-current readout
D De Fazio, B Uzlu, I Torre, C Monasterio-Balcells, S Gupta, T Khodkov, ...
ACS nano 14 (9), 11897-11905, 2020
Solution processed infrared-and thermo-photovoltaics based on 0.7 eV bandgap PbS colloidal quantum dots
Y Bi, A Bertran, S Gupta, I Ramiro, S Pradhan, S Christodoulou, SN Majji, ...
Nanoscale 11 (3), 838-843, 2019
Low-Cost RoHS Compliant Solution Processed Photovoltaics Enabled by Ambient Condition Synthesis of AgBiS2 Nanocrystals
MZ Akgul, A Figueroba, S Pradhan, Y Bi, G Konstantatos
ACS photonics 7 (3), 588-595, 2020
Colloidal quantum dot tandem solar cells using chemical vapor deposited graphene as an atomically thin intermediate recombination layer
Y Bi, S Pradhan, MZ Akgul, S Gupta, A Stavrinadis, J Wang, ...
ACS Energy Letters 3 (7), 1753-1759, 2018
Photovoltaic effect of tin disulfide with nanocrystalline/amorphous blended phases
F Tan, S Qu, X Zeng, C Zhang, M Shi, Z Wang, L Jin, Y Bi, J Cao, Z Wang, ...
Solid State Communications 150 (1-2), 58-61, 2010
High-efficiency light-emitting diodes based on formamidinium lead bromide nanocrystals and solution processed transport layers
F Di Stasio, I Ramiro, Y Bi, S Christodoulou, A Stavrinadis, G Konstantatos
Chemistry of Materials 30 (18), 6231-6235, 2018
Electrodepostied polyaniline films decorated with nano-islands: Characterization and application as anode buffer layers in solar cells
F Tan, S Qu, J Wu, Z Wang, L Jin, Y Bi, J Cao, K Liu, J Zhang, Z Wang
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 95 (2), 440-445, 2011
Organic/inorganic hybrid solar cells based on SnS/SnO nanocrystals and MDMO-PPV
Z Wang, S Qu, X Zeng, J Liu, F Tan, Y Bi, Z Wang
Acta Materialia 58 (15), 4950-4955, 2010
Achieving high efficiency laminated polymer solar cell with interfacial modified metallic electrode and pressure induced crystallization
Y Yuan, Y Bi, J Huang
Applied Physics Letters 98 (6), 2011
Low-temperature colloidal synthesis of CuBiS 2 nanocrystals for optoelectronic devices
JJ Wang, MZ Akgul, Y Bi, S Christodoulou, G Konstantatos
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 5 (47), 24621-24625, 2017
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مقالات 1–20