Hans-Theo Normann
Hans-Theo Normann
Duesseldof Institute for Competition Economics (DICE), University of Duesseldorf
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
A within-subject analysis of other-regarding preferences
M Blanco, D Engelmann, HT Normann
Games and Economic Behavior 72 (2), 321-338, 2011
A comparative statics analysis of punishment in public-good experiments
N Nikiforakis, HT Normann
Experimental Economics 11, 358-369, 2008
Two are few and four are many: number effects in experimental oligopolies
S Huck, HT Normann, J Oechssler
Journal of economic behavior & organization 53 (4), 435-446, 2004
Learning in Cournot oligopoly–An experiment
S Huck, HT Normann, J Oechssler
The Economic Journal 109 (454), 80-95, 1999
Belief elicitation in experiments: is there a hedging problem?
M Blanco, D Engelmann, AK Koch, HT Normann
Experimental economics 13, 412-438, 2010
Explicit vs. tacit collusion—The impact of communication in oligopoly experiments
MA Fonseca, HT Normann
European Economic Review 56 (8), 1759-1772, 2012
Does information about competitors’ actions increase or decrease competition in experimental oligopoly markets?
S Huck, HT Normann, J Oechssler
International Journal of Industrial Organization 18 (1), 39-57, 2000
Stackelberg beats Cournot—on collusion and efficiency in experimental markets
S Huck, W Muller, HT Normann
The Economic Journal 111 (474), 749-765, 2001
The impact of the termination rule on cooperation in a prisoner’s dilemma experiment
HT Normann, B Wallace
International Journal of Game Theory 41, 707-718, 2012
The willingness to sell personal data
V Benndorf, HT Normann
The Scandinavian Journal of Economics 120 (4), 1260-1278, 2018
Preferences and beliefs in a sequential social dilemma: a within-subjects analysis
M Blanco, D Engelmann, AK Koch, HT Normann
Games and Economic Behavior 87, 122-135, 2014
Vertical foreclosure in experimental markets
S Martin, HT Normann, CM Snyder
RAND Journal of Economics, 466-496, 2001
Privacy concerns, voluntary disclosure of information, and unraveling: An experiment
V Benndorf, D Kübler, HT Normann
European Economic Review 75, 43-59, 2015
To commit or not to commit: endogenous timing in experimental duopoly markets
S Huck, W Müller, HT Normann
Games and Economic Behavior 38 (2), 240-264, 2002
Job-market signaling and screening: An experimental comparison
D Kübler, W Müller, HT Normann
Games and Economic Behavior 64 (1), 219-236, 2008
Vertical integration, raising rivals’ costs and upstream collusion
HT Normann
European Economic Review 53 (4), 461-480, 2009
Giving in Dictator Games: Regard for Others or Regard by Others?
AK Koch, HT Normann
Southern Economic Journal 75 (1), 223-231, 2008
The merger paradox and why aspiration levels let it fail in the laboratory
S Huck, KA Konrad, W Müller, HT Normann
The economic journal 117 (522), 1073-1095, 2007
Mergers, asymmetries and collusion: Experimental evidence
MA Fonseca, HT Normann
The Economic Journal 118 (527), 387-400, 2008
Stability of the Cournot process–experimental evidence
S Huck, HT Normann, J Oechssler
International Journal of Game Theory 31, 123-136, 2002
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مقالات 1–20