Wojtek Furmanski
Wojtek Furmanski
Associated Technical Fellow, The Boeing Company
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Evolution of parton densities beyond leading order: the nonsinglet case
G Curci, W Furmanski, R Petronzio
Nuclear Physics B 175 (27), 1980
Singlet Parton Densities Beyond Leading Order
W Furmanski, R Petronzio
Physics Letters B 97 (3-4), 437-442, 1980
Lepton-hadron processes beyond leadning order in quantum chromodynamics
W Furmanski, R Petronzio
Zeitschrift fur Physik C Particles and Fields 11 (4), 293-314, 1982
Unravelling Higher Twists
K Ellis, W Furmanski, R Petronzio
Nuclear Physics B 212 (1), 29-98, 1983
Power Corrections to the Parton Model in QCD
K Ellis, W Furmanski, R Petronzio
Nulcear Physics B 207, 1-14, 1982
Heavy Flavour Multiplicities at Very High Energies
W Furmanski, R Petronzio, S Pokorski
Nuclear Physics B 155 (1), 253-268, 1979
Particle Production in Hadron-Nucleus Collisions and the Quark Model
A Bialas, W Czyz, W Furmanski
Acta Physica Polonica B 8, 585, 1977
WebFlow–a visual programming paradigm for Web/Java based coarse grain distributed computing
D Bhatia, V Burzevski, M Camuseva, G Fox, W Furmanski, ...
Concurrency: Practice and Experience 9 (6), 555-577, 1997
A Method of Analyzing the Scaling Violation of Inclusive Spectra in Hard Processes
W Furmanski, R Petronzio
Nuclear Physics B 195 (2), 237-261, 1982
Load balancing loosely synchronous problems with a neural network
GC Fox, W Furmanski
Proceedings of the third conference on Hypercube concurrent computers and …, 1988
Webflow-high-level programming environment and visual authoring toolkit for high performance distributed computing
E Akarsu, GC Fox, W Furmanski, T Haupt
SC'98: Proceedings of the 1998 ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing, 48-48, 1998
Java for parallel computing and as a general language for scientific and engineering simulation and modeling
GC Fox, W Furmanski
Concurrency: Practice and Experience 9 (6), 415-425, 1997
Yang-Mills vacuum: An attempt at lattice loop calculus
W Furmanski, A Kolawa
Nuclear Physics B 291, 594-628, 1987
Yang-Mills vacuum: An attempt at lattice loop calculus
W Furmanski, A Kolawa
CERN-TH-3301 (1982). HD Politzer, Ref. 2. H. Georgi and HD Politzer
RK Ellis, W Furmanski, R Petronzio
Phys. Rev. D 14, 1829, 1976
PETAOPS and EXAOPS: Supercomputing on the Web
GC Fox, W Furmanski
IEEE Internet Computing 1 (2), 38-46, 1997
Towards Web/Java-based high performance distributed computing-an evolving virtual machine
G Fox, W Furmanski
Proceedings of 5th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance …, 1996
The software architecture of a virtual distributed computing environment
H Topcuoglu, S Hariri, W Furmanski, J Valente, I Ra, D Kim, Y Kim, X Bing, ...
Proceedings. The Sixth IEEE International Symposium on High Performance …, 1997
High performance commodity computing
GC Fox, W Furmanski
The Grid: Blueprint for a New Computing Infrastructure, 237-255, 1999
The physical structure of concurrent problems and concurrent computers
GC Fox, W Furmanski
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A …, 1988
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مقالات 1–20