Gregory L. Heileman
Gregory L. Heileman
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على arizona.edu
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
An ordering algorithm for pattern presentation in fuzzy ARTMAP that tends to improve generalization performance
I Dagher, M Georgiopoulos, GL Heileman, G Bebis
IEEE transactions on neural networks 10 (4), 768-778, 1999
Fuzzy ART properties
J Huang, M Georgiopoulos, GL Heileman
Neural Networks 8 (2), 203-213, 1995
A lexical approach for classifying malicious URLs
M Darling, G Heileman, G Gressel, A Ashok, P Poornachandran
2015 international conference on high performance computing & simulation …, 2015
Order of search in Fuzzy ART and Fuzzy ARTMAP: Effect of the choice parameter
M Georgiopoulos, H Fernlund, G Bebis, GL Heileman
Neural networks 9 (9), 1541-1559, 1996
DRM as a layered system
PA Jamkhedkar, GL Heileman
Proceedings of the 4th ACM workshop on Digital rights management, 11-21, 2004
Benford's lawin image processing
F Pérez-González, GL Heileman, CT Abdallah
2007 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 1, I-405-I-408, 2007
DRM interoperability analysis from the perspective of a layered framework
GL Heileman, PA Jamkhedkar
Proceedings of the 5th ACM workshop on Digital rights management, 17-26, 2005
Properties of learning related to pattern diversity in ART1
M Georgiopoulos, GL Heileman, J Huang
Neural Networks 4 (6), 751-757, 1991
fMRI pattern classification using neuroanatomically constrained boosting
M Martínez-Ramón, V Koltchinskii, GL Heileman, S Posse
Neuroimage 31 (3), 1129-1141, 2006
Predicting student success based on prior performance
A Slim, GL Heileman, J Kozlick, CT Abdallah
2014 IEEE symposium on computational intelligence and data mining (CIDM …, 2014
Boosted ARTMAP
SJ Verzi, GL Heileman, M Georgiopoulos, MJ Healy
1998 IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks Proceedings …, 1998
Curricular analytics: A framework for quantifying the impact of curricular reforms and pedagogical innovations
GL Heileman, CT Abdallah, A Slim, M Hickman
arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.09676, 2018
Digital rights management architectures
PA Jamkhedkar, GL Heileman
Computers & Electrical Engineering 35 (2), 376-394, 2009
Multimodal and multi-tissue measures of connectivity revealed by joint independent component analysis
AR Franco, J Ling, A Caprihan, VD Calhoun, RE Jung, GL Heileman, ...
IEEE journal of selected topics in signal processing 2 (6), 986-997, 2008
Characterizing the complexity of curricular patterns in engineering programs
GL Heileman, M Hickman, A Slim, CT Abdallah
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2017
Employing markov networks on curriculum graphs to predict student performance
A Slim, GL Heileman, J Kozlick, CT Abdallah
2014 13th international conference on machine learning and applications, 415-418, 2014
Properties of learning of a fuzzy ART variant
M Georgiopoulos, I Dagher, GL Heileman, G Bebis
Neural networks 12 (6), 837-850, 1999
Fast and robust watermarking of JPEG files
W Luo, GL Heileman, CE Pizano
Proceedings Fifth IEEE Southwest Symposium on Image Analysis and …, 2002
How Caching Affects Hashing.
GL Heileman, W Luo
ALENEX/ANALCO, 141-154, 2005
Curricular efficiency: What role does it play in student success?
J Wigdahl, GL Heileman, A Slim, CT Abdallah
2014 asee annual conference & exposition, 24.344. 1-24.344. 12, 2014
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20