Jay Ruffell
Jay Ruffell
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
The matrix matters, but how should we manage it? Estimating the amount of high‐quality matrix required to maintain biodiversity in fragmented landscapes
J Ruffell, MN Clout, RK Didham
Ecography 40 (1), 171-178, 2017
Conserving biodiversity in New Zealand’s lowland landscapes: does forest cover or pest control have a greater effect on native birds?
J Ruffell, RK Didham
New Zealand Journal of Ecology 41 (1), 23-33, 2017
Accounting for the causal basis of collinearity when measuring the effects of habitat loss versus habitat fragmentation
J Ruffell, C Banks‐Leite, RK Didham
Oikos 125 (1), 117-125, 2016
Towards a better mechanistic understanding of edge effects
J Ruffell, RK Didham
Landscape Ecology 31, 2205-2213, 2016
Using pest monitoring data to inform the location and intensity of invasive-species control in New Zealand
J Ruffell, J Innes, C Bishop, T Landers, J Khin, RK Didham
Biological Conservation 191, 640-649, 2015
Efficacy of chew-track-card indices of rat and possum abundance across widely varying pest densities
J Ruffell, J Innes, RK Didham
New Zealand Journal of Ecology 39 (1), 87-92, 2015
Assessment of the short-term success of a translocation of lesser short-tailed bats Mystacina tuberculata
J Ruffell, S Parsons
Endangered Species Research 8 (1-2), 33-39, 2009
Translocation of bats as a conservation strategy: previous attempts and potential problems
J Ruffell, J Guilbert, S Parsons
Endangered Species Research 8 (1-2), 25-31, 2009
Discriminating the Drivers of Edge Effects on Nest Predation: Forest Edges Reduce Capture Rates of Ship Rats (Rattus rattus), a Globally Invasive Nest Predator …
J Ruffell, RK Didham, P Barrett, N Gorman, R Pike, A Hickey-Elliott, ...
PLoS One 9 (11), e113098, 2014
Practical guidelines for planning and implementing fauna translocations
KA Parker, L Adams, M Baling, L Kemp, G Kuchling, B Lloyd, S Parsons, ...
Advances in reintroduction biology of Australian and New Zealand Fauna 255, 2015
The potential availability of roosting sites for lesser short‐tailed bats (Mystacina tuberculata) on Kapiti Island, New Zealand: Implications for a translocation
J Ruffell, J Sedgeley, S Parsons
New Zealand Journal of Zoology 34 (3), 219-226, 2007
Managing the impacts of habitat loss and invasive mammals on New Zealand forest birds
J Ruffell
Translocation of lesser short-tailed bats to Kapiti Island, New Zealand: release site suitability and post-release monitoring
J Ruffell, S Parsons
GLOBAL RE-INTRODUCTION PERSPECTIVES: Additional case-studies from around the …, 2010
Habitat Fragmentation
JP Ruffell, TF Dobert, R Didham
The Berkshire Encyclopedia of Sustainability, Vol. 5: Ecosystem Management …, 2012
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مقالات 1–14