Jon Ahlinder
Jon Ahlinder
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Genome characterisation of the genus Francisella reveals insight into similar evolutionary paths in pathogens of mammals and fish
A Sjödin, K Svensson, C Öhrman, J Ahlinder, P Lindgren, S Duodu, ...
BMC genomics 13, 1-13, 2012
Impact of UV irradiation at full scale on bacterial communities in drinking water
K Pullerits, J Ahlinder, L Holmer, E Salomonsson, C Öhrman, ...
NPJ Clean Water 3 (1), 11, 2020
Efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo implementation of Bayesian analysis of additive and dominance genetic variances in noninbred pedigrees
P Waldmann, J Hallander, F Hoti, MJ Sillanpaa
Genetics 179 (2), 1101-1112, 2008
Optimum contribution selection in large general tree breeding populations with an application to Scots pine
J Hallander, P Waldmann
Theoretical and applied genetics 118, 1133-1142, 2009
The effect of non-additive genetic interactions on selection in multi-locus genetic models
J Hallander, P Waldmann
Heredity 98 (6), 349-359, 2007
Airborne microbial biodiversity and seasonality in Northern and Southern Sweden
E Karlsson, AM Johansson, J Ahlinder, MJ Lundkvist, NJ Singh, T Brodin, ...
PeerJ 8, e8424, 2020
Using semidefinite programming to optimize unequal deployment of genotypes to a clonal seed orchard
J Ahlinder, TJ Mullin, M Yamashita
Tree genetics & genomes 10 (1), 27-34, 2014
Bayesian inference of genetic parameters based on conditional decompositions of multivariate normal distributions
J Hallander, P Waldmann, C Wang, MJ Sillanpaa
Genetics 185 (2), 645-654, 2010
Predators and nutrient availability favor protozoa-resisting bacteria in aquatic systems
A Andersson, J Ahlinder, P Mathisen, M Hägglund, S Bäckman, E Nilsson, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 8415, 2018
Increased knowledge of Francisellagenus diversity highlights the benefits of optimised DNA-based assays
J Ahlinder, C Öhrman, K Svensson, P Lindgren, A Johansson, M Forsman, ...
BMC microbiology 12, 1-15, 2012
Accounting for bacterial overlap between raw water communities and contaminating sources improves the accuracy of signature-based microbial source tracking
M Hägglund, S Bäckman, A Macellaro, P Lindgren, E Borgmästars, ...
Frontiers in Microbiology 9, 2364, 2018
Maternal heterozygosity and progeny fitness association in an inbred Scots pine population
S Abrahamsson, J Ahlinder, P Waldmann, MR García-Gil
Genetica 141, 41-50, 2013
Optimization of selection contribution and mate allocations in monoecious tree breeding populations
J Hallander, P Waldmann
BMC genetics 10, 1-17, 2009
Impact of UV irradiation at full scale on bacterial communities in drinking water. NPJ Clean Water 3: 11
K Pullerits, J Ahlinder, L Holmer, E Salomonsson, C Öhrman, ...
Use of metagenomic microbial source tracking to investigate the source of a foodborne outbreak of cryptosporidiosis
J Ahlinder, AL Svedberg, A Nystedt, R Dryselius, K Jacobsson, ...
Food and Waterborne Parasitology 26, e00142, 2022
CONE: community oriented network estimation is a versatile framework for inferring population structure in large-scale sequencing data
MO Kuismin, J Ahlinder, MJ Sillanpӓӓ
G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 7 (10), 3359-3377, 2017
Chemometrics comes to court: evidence evaluation of chem–bio threat agent attacks
J Ahlinder, A Nordgaard, SW Lindström
Journal of Chemometrics 29 (5), 267-276, 2015
Succession of bacterial biofilm communities following removal of chloramine from a full-scale drinking water distribution system
T Rosenqvist, M Danielsson, C Schleich, J Ahlinder, B Brindefalk, ...
Npj Clean Water 6 (1), 41, 2023
Life stage-specific inbreeding depression in long-lived Pinaceae species depends on population connectivity
J Ahlinder, BE Giles, MR García-Gil
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 8834, 2021
Impact of coagulation–ultrafiltration on long-term pipe biofilm dynamics in a full-scale chloraminated drinking water distribution system
K Pullerits, S Chan, J Ahlinder, A Keucken, P Rådström, CJ Paul
Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology 6 (11), 3044-3056, 2020
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مقالات 1–20