مقالات بحثية تمّ التفويض بإتاحتها للجميع - Qiang Guanمزيد من المعلومات
عدد المقالات البحثية غير المتاحة للجميع في أي موقع: 21
Snail (Mollusca: Gastropoda) assemblages as indicators of ecological condition in freshwater wetlands of Northeastern China
H Wu, Q Guan, X Lu, DP Batzer
Ecological Indicators 75, 203-209, 2017
التفويضات: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Interactions between earthworms and mesofauna has no significant effect on emissions of CO2 and N2O from soil
H Wu, M Lu, X Lu, Q Guan, X He
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 88, 294-297, 2015
التفويضات: Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Longitudinal and lateral variation in snail assemblages along a floodplain continuum
Q Guan, H Wu, K Lu, X Lu, DP Batzer
Hydrobiologia 792, 345-356, 2017
التفويضات: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Sdc is in the eye of the beholder: A survey and preliminary study
B Fang, P Wu, Q Guan, N DeBardeleben, L Monroe, S Blanchard, Z Chen, ...
2016 46th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems …, 2016
التفويضات: US Department of Energy, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council …
Snails (Mollusca: Gastropoda) as potential surrogates of overall aquatic invertebrate assemblage in wetlands of Northeastern China
Q Guan, J Liu, DP Batzer, X Lu, H Wu
Ecological Indicators 90, 193-200, 2018
التفويضات: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Towards building resilient scientific applications: Resilience analysis on the impact of soft error and transient error tolerance with the clamr hydrodynamics mini-app
Q Guan, N DeBardeleben, B Atkinson, R Robey, WIM Jones
2015 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, 176-179, 2015
التفويضات: US Department of Energy
Empirical studies of the soft error susceptibility ofsorting algorithms to statistical fault injection
Q Guan, N DeBardeleben, S Blanchard, S Fu
Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Fault Tolerance for HPC at eXtreme Scale …, 2015
التفويضات: US Department of Energy
Fault injection experiments with the clamr hydrodynamics mini-app
B Atkinson, N Debardeleben, Q Guan, R Robey, WM Jones
2014 IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering …, 2014
التفويضات: US Department of Energy
Sensor data fusion framework to improve holographic object registration accuracy for a shared augmented reality mission planning scenario
S Su, V Perry, Q Guan, A Durkee, AR Neigel, S Kase
Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality: Interaction, Navigation, Visualization …, 2018
التفويضات: US Department of Defense
TQEA: temporal quantum error analysis
B Baheri, D Chen, B Fang, SA Stein, V Chaudhary, Y Mao, S Xu, A Li, ...
2021 51st Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems …, 2021
التفويضات: US Department of Energy
Aquatic macroinvertebrate assemblages in wetlands of Northeastern China
H Wu, Q Guan, K Lu, DP Batzer
Hydrobiologia 838, 153-162, 2019
التفويضات: National Natural Science Foundation of China
BEE orchestrator: Running complex scientific workflows on multiple systems
J Tronge, P Grubel, T Randles, Q Wofford, R Davis, S Anaya, Q Guan
2021 IEEE 28th International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data …, 2021
التفويضات: US Department of Energy
Towards redefining the reproducibility in quantum computing: A data analysis approach on nisq devices
P Senapati, Z Wang, W Jiang, TS Humble, B Fang, S Xu, Q Guan
2023 IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE …, 2023
التفويضات: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy
Enhancing data-driven seismic inversion using physics-guided spatiotemporal data augmentation
Y Yang, X Zhang, Q Guan, Y Lin
SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, D011S059R007, 2021
التفويضات: US Department of Energy
On the inherent resilience of integer operations
L Monroe, WM Jones, SR Lavigne, CH Davis, Q Guan, N DeBardeleben
Euro-Par 2016: Parallel Processing Workshops: Euro-Par 2016 International …, 2017
التفويضات: US Department of Energy
A View-Invariant Feature Learning Model for Cross-View Security Authentication in Mobile Smart Devices
A Li, X Liu, Q Guan, D Chen, G Sun
IEEE INFOCOM 2020-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops …, 2020
التفويضات: National Natural Science Foundation of China
An HPC-Container Based Continuous Integration Tool for Detecting Scaling and Performance Issues in HPC Applications
J Tronge, J Chen, P Grubel, T Randles, R Davis, Q Wofford, S Anaya, ...
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 17 (1), 156-168, 2023
التفويضات: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy
Pulse-Level Variational Quantum Algorithms for Molecular Energy Calculations using Quanlse
EH Hansen, X Li, DT Chen, V Kulkarni, V Chaudhary, Q Guan, J Liu, S Xu
Proceedings of the 2023 International Workshop on Quantum Classical …, 2023
التفويضات: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy
Quantum Noise Mitigation: Introducing the Robust Quantum Circuit Scheduler for Enhanced Fidelity and Throughput
B Baheri, V Chaudhary, A Li, S Xu, B Fang, Q Guan
Proceedings of the 2023 International Workshop on Quantum Classical …, 2023
التفويضات: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy
UNS: A Portable, Mobile, and Exchangeable Namespace for Supporting Fetch-from-Anywhere Big Data Eco-Systems
H Chen, Q Guan, S Fu
2018 IEEE 16th Intl Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, 16th …, 2018
التفويضات: US Department of Energy
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