Stephen W. Taylor
Stephen W. Taylor
Research Scientist, Natural Resources Canada
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على canada.ca - الصفحة الرئيسية
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Effect of climate change on range expansion by the mountain pine beetle in British Columbia
SW Taylor, L Safanyik
Mountain Pine Beetle Symposium: Challenges and Solutions; Canadian Forest …, 2003
A review of machine learning applications in wildfire science and management
P Jain, SCP Coogan, SG Subramanian, M Crowley, S Taylor, ...
Environmental Reviews 28 (4), 478-505, 2020
Potential for range expansion of mountain pine beetle into the boreal forest of North America
L Safranyik, AL Carroll, J Régnière, DW Langor, WG Riel, TL Shore, ...
The Canadian Entomologist 142 (5), 415-442, 2010
Development and structure of Prometheus: the Canadian wildland fire growth simulation model
C Tymstra, RW Bryce, BM Wotton, SW Taylor, OB Armitage
Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service, Northern Forestry Centre …, 2010
Science, technology, and human factors in fire danger rating: the Canadian experience.
SW Taylor, ME Alexander
International Journal of Wildland Fire 15 (1), 121-135, 2006
Landscape level analysis of mountain pine beetle in British Columbia, Canada: spatiotemporal development and spatial synchrony within the present outbreak
BH Aukema, AL Carroll, J Zhu, KF Raffa, TA Sickley, SW Taylor
Ecography 29 (3), 427-441, 2006
Disturbance, forest age, and mountain pine beetle outbreak dynamics in BC: A historical perspective
SW Taylor, AL Carroll
Mountain pine beetle symposium: Challenges and solutions 3031, 2003
Movement of outbreak populations of mountain pine beetle: influences of spatiotemporal patterns and climate
BH Aukema, AL Carroll, Y Zheng, J Zhu, KF Raffa, R Dan Moore, K Stahl, ...
Ecography 31 (3), 348-358, 2008
Crown fire behaviour in a northern jack pine black spruce forest
BJ Stocks, ME Alexander, BM Wotton, CN Stefner, MD Flannigan, ...
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 34 (8), 1548-1560, 2004
Forest, climate and mountain pine beetle outbreak dynamics in western Canada
SW Taylor, AL Carroll, RI Alfaro, L Safranyik
The mountain pine beetle: A synthesis of biology, management, and impacts on …, 2006
Flame temperature and residence time of fires in dry eucalypt forest
BM Wotton, JS Gould, WL McCaw, NP Cheney, SW Taylor
International Journal of Wildland Fire 21 (3), 270-281, 2011
Wildfire prediction to inform fire management: statistical science challenges
SW Taylor, DG Woolford, CB Dean, DL Martell
Field guide to the Canadian forest fire behavior prediction (FBP) system
SW Taylor, ME Alexander, RG Pike
Canadian Forest Service, Northern Forestry Centre, 1997
Projected changes in daily fire spread across Canada over the next century
X Wang, MA Parisien, SW Taylor, JN Candau, D Stralberg, GA Marshall, ...
Environmental Research Letters 12 (2), 025005, 2017
Variation in wind and crown fire behaviour in a northern jack pine black spruce forest
SW Taylor, BM Wotton, ME Alexander, GN Dalrymple
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 34 (8), 1561-1576, 2004
Impacts of climate change on range expansion by the mountain pine beetle
Pacific Forestry Centre, AL Carroll
Pacific Forestry Centre, 2006
Wildland fire risk research in Canada
LM Johnston, X Wang, S Erni, SW Taylor, CB McFayden, JA Oliver, ...
Environmental Reviews 28 (2), 164-186, 2020
The use of prescribed fire in the management of Canada's forested lands
MG Weber, SW Taylor
The Forestry Chronicle 68 (3), 324-334, 1992
Expected effects of climate change on forest disturbance regimes in British Columbia
SR Haughian, PJ Burton, SW Taylor, C Curry
Journal of Ecosystems and Management 13 (1), 2012
Updates and revisions to the 1992 Canadian forest fire behavior prediction system
BM Wotton, ME Alexander, SW Taylor
Great Lakes Forestry Centre, 2009
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مقالات 1–20