Carroll, T.J.
Carroll, T.J.
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Proton and deuteron structure functions in muon scattering at 470 GeV
MR Adams, S Aid, PL Anthony, DA Averill, MD Baker, BR Baller, ...
Physical Review D 54 (5), 3006, 1996
Shadowing in inelastic scattering of muons on carbon, calcium and lead at lowx Bj
Fermilab E665 Collaboration, MR Adams, S Aïd, PL Anthony, DA Averill, ...
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields 67, 403-410, 1995
Saturation of shadowing at very low Bjorken x
MR Adams, S Aid, PL Anthony, MD Baker, J Bartlett, AA Bhatti, HM Braun, ...
Physical review letters 68 (22), 3266, 1992
Time-resolved three-dimensional contrast-enhanced MR angiography of the peripheral vessels
JS Swan, TJ Carroll, TW Kennell, DM Heisey, FR Korosec, R Frayne, ...
Radiology 225 (1), 43-52, 2002
Measurement of Nuclear Transparencies from Exclusive Meson Production in Muon-Nucleus Scattering at 470 GeV
MR Adams, S Aid, PL Anthony, DA Averill, MD Baker, BR Baller, ...
Physical review letters 74 (9), 1525, 1995
Automatic calculation of the arterial input function for cerebral perfusion imaging with MR imaging
TJ Carroll, HA Rowley, VM Haughton
Radiology 227 (2), 593-600, 2003
Diffractive production of ρ0(770) mesons in muon-proton interactions at 470 GeV
E665 Collaboration, MR Adams, M Aderholz, S Aïd, PL Anthony, ...
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields 74, 237-261, 1997
3D time‐resolved contrast‐enhanced MR DSA: advantages and tradeoffs
CA Mistretta, TM Grist, FR Korosec, R Frayne, DC Peters, Y Mazaheri, ...
Magnetic resonance in medicine 40 (4), 571-581, 1998
Quantitative cerebral perfusion using dynamic susceptibility contrast MRI: evaluation of reproducibility and age‐and gender‐dependence with fully automatic image postprocessing …
W Shin, S Horowitz, A Ragin, Y Chen, M Walker, TJ Carroll
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine: An Official Journal of the International …, 2007
Absolute Quantification of Cerebral Blood Flow with Magnetic Resonance, Reproducibility of the Method, and Comparison with H215O Positron Emission …
TJ Carroll, V Teneggi, M Jobin, L Squassante, V Treyer, TF Hany, ...
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism 22 (9), 1149-1156, 2002
Intracranial 4D flow MRI: toward individualized assessment of arteriovenous malformation hemodynamics and treatment-induced changes
SA Ansari, S Schnell, T Carroll, P Vakil, MC Hurley, C Wu, J Carr, ...
American Journal of Neuroradiology 34 (10), 1922-1928, 2013
Glioblastoma: a method for predicting response to antiangiogenic chemotherapy by using MR perfusion imaging—pilot study
RN Sawlani, J Raizer, SW Horowitz, W Shin, SA Grimm, JP Chandler, ...
Radiology 255 (2), 622-628, 2010
Modulating expanded polytetrafluoroethylene vascular graft host response via citric acid‐based biodegradable elastomers
J Yang, D Motlagh, JB Allen, AR Webb, MR Kibbe, O Aalami, M Kapadia, ...
Advanced Materials 18 (12), 1493-1498, 2006
Time‐resolved, undersampled projection reconstruction imaging for high‐resolution CE‐MRA of the distal runoff vessels
J Du, TJ Carroll, HJ Wagner, K Vigen, SB Fain, WF Block, FR Korosec, ...
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine: An Official Journal of the International …, 2002
Three‐dimensional hemodynamics in intracranial aneurysms: influence of size and morphology
S Schnell, SA Ansari, P Vakil, M Wasielewski, ML Carr, MC Hurley, ...
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 39 (1), 120-131, 2014
Intracranial time-resolved contrast-enhanced MR angiography at 3T
TA Cashen, JC Carr, W Shin, MT Walker, SF Futterer, A Shaibani, ...
American Journal of Neuroradiology 27 (4), 822-829, 2006
Extraction of the Ratio from Muon-Deuteron and Muon-Proton Scattering at Small and
MR Adams, S Aid, PL Anthony, DA Averill, MD Baker, BR Baller, ...
Physical review letters 75 (8), 1466, 1995
Aorta and runoff vessels: single-injection MR angiography with automated table movement compared with multiinjection time-resolved MR angiography—initial results
TF Hany, TJ Carroll, RA Omary, E Esparza-Coss, FR Korosec, ...
Radiology 221 (1), 266-272, 2001
Method for improving the accuracy of quantitative cerebral perfusion imaging
KE Sakaie, W Shin, KR Curtin, RM McCarthy, TA Cashen, TJ Carroll
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging: An Official Journal of the …, 2005
Three-dimensional T2-weighted MRI of the human femoral arterial vessel wall at 3.0 Tesla
Z Zhang, Z Fan, TJ Carroll, YC Chung, P Weale, R Jerecic, D Li
Investigative radiology 44 (9), 619-626, 2009
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مقالات 1–20