Ramachandran Natarajan
Ramachandran Natarajan
School of Management, University of Texas at Dallas
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على utdallas.edu
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Evaluating contextual variables affecting productivity using data envelopment analysis
RD Banker, R Natarajan
Operations research 56 (1), 48-58, 2008
Equity incentives and long‐term value created by SG&A expenditure
RD Banker, R Huang, R Natarajan
Contemporary Accounting Research 28 (3), 794-830, 2011
Statistical tests based on DEA efficiency scores
RD Banker, R Natarajan
Handbook on data envelopment analysis, 273-295, 2011
Productivity change, technical progress, and relative efficiency change in the public accounting industry
RD Banker, H Chang, R Natarajan
Management science 51 (2), 291-304, 2005
Incentive contracting and value relevance of earnings and cash flows
RD Banker, R Huang, R Natarajan
Journal of Accounting Research 47 (3), 647-678, 2009
Stewardship value of earnings components: Additional evidence on the determinants of executive compensation
R Natarajan
Accounting Review, 1-22, 1996
Two-stage estimation of the impact of contextual variables in stochastic frontier production function models using data envelopment analysis: Second stage OLS versus bootstrap …
R Banker, R Natarajan, D Zhang
European Journal of Operational Research 278 (2), 368-384, 2019
Analysis of trends in technical and allocative efficiency: An application to Texas public school districts
RD Banker, S Janakiraman, R Natarajan
European Journal of operational research 154 (2), 477-491, 2004
DEA-based hypothesis tests for comparing two groups of decision making units
RD Banker, ZE Zheng, R Natarajan
European Journal of Operational Research 206 (1), 231-238, 2010
Market valuation of intangible asset: Evidence on SG&A expenditure
RD Banker, R Huang, R Natarajan, S Zhao
The Accounting Review 94 (6), 61-90, 2019
Estimating DEA technical and allocative inefficiency using aggregate cost or revenue data
RD Banker, H Chang, R Natarajan
Journal of Productivity Analysis 27, 115-121, 2007
The effect of financial analysts' strategic behavior on analysts' forecast dispersion
XG Liu, R Natarajan
The Accounting Review 87 (6), 2123-2149, 2012
Clawback provision of SOX, financial misstatements, and CEO compensation contracts
R Natarajan, K Zheng
Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance 34 (1), 74-98, 2019
Technological progress and productivity growth in the US mobile telecommunications industry
RD Banker, Z Cao, N Menon, R Natarajan
Annals of Operations Research 173 (1), 77-87, 2010
The effect of management control mechanisms through risk-taking incentives on asymmetric cost behavior
W Li, R Natarajan, Y Zhao, K Zheng
Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 56, 219-243, 2021
Does SG&A expenditure create a long-lived asset?
R Banker, R Huang, R Natarajan
Unpublished paper, Temple University, Baruch College-City University of New …, 2006
Estimating firm-specific long-term growth rate and cost of capital
R Huang, RR Natarajan, S Radhakrishnan
Suresh, Estimating Firm-Specific Long-Term Growth Rate and Cost of Capital …, 2005
Evaluating the Adequacy of Parametric Functional Forms in Estimating Monotone and Concave Production Functions
DB Rajiv, J Surya, N Ram
Executive compensation contracts and voluntary disclosure to security analysts
MF Johnson, R Natarajan
Managerial Finance 31 (7), 3-26, 2005
Estimation of the impact of contextual variables in stochastic frontier production function models using data envelopment analysis: Two-stage versus bootstrap approaches
RD Banker, R Natarajan, D Zhang
Working paper, Temple University, 2015
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20