Cintia Pulido Lamas
Cintia Pulido Lamas
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على ucm.es
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Freezing point depression of salt aqueous solutions using the Madrid-2019 model
CP Lamas, C Vega, EG Noya
The Journal of chemical physics 156 (13), 2022
Homogeneous nucleation of NaCl in supersaturated solutions
CP Lamas, JR Espinosa, MM Conde, J Ramírez, PM de Hijes, EG Noya, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 23 (47), 26843-26852, 2021
Anomalous Behavior in the Nucleation of Ice at Negative Pressures
V Bianco, PM de Hijes, CP Lamas, E Sanz, C Vega
Physical Review Letters 126 (1), 015704, 2021
Phase diagram of the NaCl–water system from computer simulations
V Bianco, MM Conde, CP Lamas, EG Noya, E Sanz
The Journal of Chemical Physics 156 (6), 2022
The water cavitation line as predicted by the TIP4P/2005 model
C P Lamas, C Vega, E G Noya, E Sanz
The Journal of chemical physics 158 (12), 2023
Estimation of bubble cavitation rates in a symmetrical Lennard-Jones mixture by NVT seeding simulations
CP Lamas, E Sanz, C Vega, EG Noya
The Journal of chemical physics 158 (12), 2023
Phase diagram of NaCl–water by computer simulations: performance of non-polarizable force-fields
G Cassinello, EG Noya, E Sanz, CP Lamas
Molecular Physics, e2398133, 2024
Impact of sulfate salts on water structure: insights from molecular dynamics
CP Lamas, C Vega, P Gallo
Molecular Physics 122 (21-22), e2406260, 2024
Innovación sobre la docencia y evaluación del laboratorio de Química Física I
JJ Omiste Romero, R Ahijado Guzmán, S Blázquez Fernández, N Caselli, ...
Estudio termodinámico y cinético de los cambios de fase por Dinámica Molecular
C Pulido Lamas
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2024
Studying NaCl crystal nucleation from aqueous solutions
CP Lamas, JR Espinosa, MM Conde, J Ramírez, P Montero de Hijes, ...
Universidad de Zaragoza, 2022
Freezing point depression of salt aqueous solutions using the Madrid-2019 model
C Pulido Lamas, C Vega De Las Heras, EG Noya
AIP Publishing, 2022
The role of latent heat in heterogeneous ice nucleation
O Pakarinen, C Pulido Lamas, G Roudsari, B Reischl, H Vehkamäki
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU21-16164, 2021
Estudio de la nucleación de cristales en mezclas binarias
C Pulido Lamas
Universidad Internacional de Andalucía, 2021
Seeding studies on the nucleation of NaCl in supersaturated solutions
C Lamas, J Espinosa, J Ramirez, M Conde, C Vega, E Noya, E Sanz
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2021, M71. 321, 2021
Dipolon Theory of Muon Spin Relaxation Rate in High Temperature Superconductors
R Sharma
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2021, M71. 328, 2021
Ice nucleation in confined geometry and the role of latent heat
O Pakarinen, CP Lamas, H Vehkamäki
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 13661, 2019
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مقالات 1–17