Philip Mucci
Philip Mucci
Minimal Metrics
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
A portable programming interface for performance evaluation on modern processors
S Browne, J Dongarra, N Garner, G Ho, P Mucci
The international journal of high performance computing applications 14 (3 …, 2000
PAPI: A portable interface to hardware performance counters
PJ Mucci, S Browne, C Deane, G Ho
Proceedings of the department of defense HPCMP users group conference 710, 1999
A scalable cross-platform infrastructure for application performance tuning using hardware counters
S Browne, J Dongarra, N Garner, K London, P Mucci
SC'00: Proceedings of the 2000 ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing, 42-42, 2000
Using PAPI for hardware performance monitoring on Linux systems
J Dongarra, K London, S Moore, P Mucci, D Terpstra
Conference on Linux Clusters: The HPC Revolution 5, 2001
End-user Tools for Application Performance Analysis Using Hardware Counters.
KS London, JJ Dongarra, S Moore, P Mucci, K Seymour, T Spencer
PDCS, 460-465, 2001
Experiences and lessons learned with a portable interface to hardware performance counters
J Dongarra, K London, S Moore, P Mucci, D Terpstra, H You, M Zhou
Proceedings International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 6 pp., 2003
The papi cross-platform interface to hardware performance counters
K London, S Moore, P Mucci, K Seymour, R Luczak
Department of Defense Users’ Group Conference Proceedings, 18-21, 2001
The cachebench report
PJ Mucci, K London, J Thurman
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 19, 1998
Papi 5: Measuring power, energy, and the cloud
VM Weaver, D Terpstra, H McCraw, M Johnson, K Kasichayanula, ...
2013 IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and …, 2013
Performance instrumentation and measurement for terascale systems
J Dongarra, AD Malony, S Moore, P Mucci, S Shende
Computational Science—ICCS 2003: International Conference, Melbourne …, 2003
Using performance-power modeling to improve energy efficiency of HPC applications
X Wu, V Taylor, J Cook, PJ Mucci
Computer 49 (10), 20-29, 2016
Accurate cache and TLB characterization using hardware counters
J Dongarra, S Moore, P Mucci, K Seymour, H You
Computational Science-ICCS 2004: 4th International Conference, Kraków …, 2004
The MPBench Report
PJ Mucci, K London, J Thurman
Computer Science, University of Tenessee, 1998
PAPI-V: Performance monitoring for virtual machines
M Johnson, H McCraw, S Moore, P Mucci, J Nelson, D Terpstra, V Weaver, ...
2012 41st International Conference on Parallel Processing Workshops, 194-199, 2012
PAPI deployment, evaluation, and extensions
S Moore, D Terpstra, K London, P Mucci, P Teller, L Salayandia, ...
2003 User Group Conference. Proceedings, 349-353, 2003
PerfMiner: Cluster-wide collection, storage and presentation of application level hardware performance data
PJ Mucci, D Ahlin, J Danielsson, P Ekman, L Malinowski
Euro-Par 2005 Parallel Processing: 11th International Euro-Par Conference …, 2005
Low level architectural characterization benchmarks for parallel computers
PJ Mucci, KS London
U. Tennessee, Tech. Rep. UT-CS-98-394, 1998
Automating the large-scale collection and analysis of performance data on Linux clusters1
P Mucci, J Dongarra, S Moore, F Song, F Wolf, R Kufrin
Proceedings of the 5th LCI International Conference on Linux Clusters: The …, 2004
P Mucci
URL http://www. cs. utk. edu/mucci/dynaprof, 2002
Haihang You, and Min Zhou. Experiences and lessons learned with a portable interface to hardware performance counters
J Dongarra, K London, S Moore, P Mucci, D Terpstra
Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed …, 2003
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مقالات 1–20