Gabriela Viviana Tubon Usca
Gabriela Viviana Tubon Usca
Escuela Superior Politecnica de Chimborazo
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على espoch.edu.ec
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Toward large-scale production of oxidized graphene
T Tene, G Tubon Usca, M Guevara, R Molina, F Veltri, M Arias, LS Caputi, ...
Nanomaterials 10 (2), 279, 2020
The liquid exfoliation of graphene in polar solvents
CV Gomez, M Guevara, T Tene, L Villamagua, GT Usca, F Maldonado, ...
Applied Surface Science 546, 149046, 2021
Preparation of Few-Layer Graphene Dispersions from Hydrothermally Expanded Graphite
SBAT Cristian Vacacela Gomez, Talia Tene, Marco Guevara, Gabriela Tubon Usca ...
Applied Science 9 (12), 2539, 2019
Dispersion of graphene in ethanol by sonication
M Cayambe, C Zambrano, T Tene, M Guevara, GT Usca, H Brito, ...
Materials Today: Proceedings 37, 4027-4030, 2021
Removal of acridine orange from water by graphene oxide
DC Fiallos, CV Gómez, G Tubon Usca, DC Pérez, P Tavolaro, G Martino, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 1646 (1), 38-45, 2015
Measurement of radon exhalation rate from building materials: The case of Highland Region of Ecuador
T Tene, CV Gomez, GT Usca, B Suquillo, S Bellucci
Construction and Building Materials 293, 123282, 2021
Zeolite-assisted shear exfoliation of graphite into few-layer graphene
G Tubon Usca, C Vacacela Gomez, M Guevara, T Tene, J Hernandez, ...
Crystals 9 (8), 377, 2019
Preparation of graphene oxide as biomaterials for drug adsorption
G Tubón Usca, CV Gómez, DC Fiallos, P Tavolaro, G Martino, LS Caputi, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 1646 (1), 79-86, 2015
Liquid-phase exfoliated graphene self-assembled films: Low-frequency noise and thermal-electric characterization
GT Usca, J Hernandez-Ambato, C Pace, LS Caputi, A Tavolaro
Applied Surface Science 380, 268-273, 2016
THz plasmonics and electronics in germanene nanostrips
T Tene, M Guevara, G Tubon-Usca, OV Cáceres, G Moreano, CV Gomez, ...
Journal of Semiconductors 44 (10), 102001, 2023
Métodos de obtención y aplicación de nanopartículas magnéticas en el tratamiento y diagnóstico del cáncer: una revisión
Y Lozano-Ocaña, I Tubón-Usca, G Vaca-Altamirano, G Tubón-Usca
Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales …, 2022
International Conferences and Exhibition on Nanotechnologies and Organic Electronics (NANOTEXNOLOGY 2014): Proceedings of NN14 and ISFOE14
GT Usca, CV Gomez, DC Fiallos, P Tavolaro, G Martino, LS Caputi, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 1646, 79-86, 2015
Estudio estadístico comparativo sobre emisiones no ionizantes emitidas por radio bases de telefonía celular y estaciones transmisoras de radio y televisión en la ciudad de Riobamba
GV Tubón Usca
A facile and green approach for the preparation of silver nanoparticles on graphene oxide with favorable antibacterial activity
T Tene, S Bellucci, J Pachacama, MF Cuenca-Lozano, G Tubon-Usca, ...
Nanomaterials 14 (17), 1455, 2024
Preface: International Conferences & Exhibition on Nanotechnologies & Organic Electronics (NANOTEXNOLOGY 2014)
S Logothetidis
AIP Conference Proceedings 1646 (1), 1-2, 2015
MoS2-based biosensor for SARS-CoV-2 detection: a numerical approach
T Tene, G Tubon-Usca, KT Gallegos, MJ Mendoza Salazar, ...
Frontiers in Nanotechnology 6, 1505751, 2025
Two-Dimensional Materials-Based Thin Films and Coatings
T Tene, G Tubon-Usca, C Haro-Barroso, GM Velasco Castelo, ...
Coatings 14 (10), 1242, 2024
Antena Textil para Aplicaciones de Internet de las Cosas Analizada con la Teoría de Modos Característicos
CR Peñafiel-Ojeda, A Ortíz-Cruz, G Tubón-Usca
Tesla Revista Científica 3 (2), e180-e180, 2023
Revisión acerca de biosensores basados en grafeno para la detección del SARSCOV-2
D Mena Lizano, E Acurio, R Pachacama Choca, G Tubón Usca
FIGEMPA: Investigación y Desarrollo 12 (2), 70-84, 2021
Enhanced Adsorption of Methylene Blue in Wastewater Using Natural Zeolite Impregnated with Graphene Oxide
G Tubon-Usca, C Centeno, S Pomasqui, A Beneduci, FA Arias
Applied Sciences 15 (5), 2824, 2025
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20