Evelyn Heylen
Evelyn Heylen
Beebop.ai | Mindbrew | Honorary association Imperial College London
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Review and classification of reliability indicators for power systems with a high share of renewable energy sources
E Heylen, G Deconinck, D Van Hertem
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 97, 554-568, 2018
Challenges and opportunities of inertia estimation and forecasting in low-inertia power systems
E Heylen, F Teng, G Strbac
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 147, 111176, 2021
Data Learning: Integrating Data Assimilation and Machine Learning
C Buizza, CQ Casas, P Nadler, J Mack, S Marrone, Z Titus, C Le Cornec, ...
Journal of Computational Science 58, 101525, 2022
How detailed value of lost load data impact power system reliability decisions
M Ovaere, E Heylen, S Proost, G Deconinck, D Van Hertem
Energy Policy 132, 1064-1075, 2019
A multi-dimensional analysis of reliability criteria: From deterministic N− 1 to a probabilistic approach
E Heylen, M Ovaere, S Proost, G Deconinck, D Van Hertem
Electric Power Systems Research 167, 290-300, 2019
Fairness and inequality in power system reliability: Summarizing indices
E Heylen, M Ovaere, S Proost, G Deconinck, D Van Hertem
Electric Power Systems Research 168, 313-323, 2019
Framework for evaluating and comparing performance of power system reliability criteria
E Heylen, W Labeeuw, G Deconinck, D Van Hertem
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 31 (6), 5153-5162, 2016
Probabilistic day-ahead inertia forecasting
E Heylen, J Browell, F Teng
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 37 (5), 3738-3746, 2021
Dynamic modelling of consumers’ inconvenience associated with demand flexibility potentials
E Heylen, D Papadaskalopoulos, I Konstantelos, G Strbac
Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks 21, 100298, 2020
Importance and difficulties of comparing reliability criteria and the assessment of reliability
E Heylen, D Van Hertem
IEEE Young Researchers Symposium, Date: 2014/04/24-2014/04/25, Location: Gent, 2014
A SCOPF model for congestion management considering power flow controlling devices
A Kaushal, H Ergun, E Heylen, D Van Hertem
Electric Power Systems Research 212, 108580, 2022
Impact of value of lost load on performance of reliability criteria and reliability management
E Heylen, G Deconinck, D Van Hertem
2015 IEEE Eindhoven PowerTech, 1-6, 2015
Fair reliability management: Comparing deterministic and probabilistic short-term reliability management
E Heylen, M Ovaere, G Deconinck, D Van Hertem
2018 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), 1-5, 2018
Benchmarking Explanatory Models for Inertia Forecasting using Public Data of the Nordic Area
J Graham, E Heylen, Y Bian, F Teng
2022 17th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power …, 2022
Fairness of Power System Load-Shedding Plans
E Heylen, M Ovaere, D Van Hertem, G Deconinck
2018 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC …, 2018
On the use of the frequency domain in assessing resonant overvoltages during transformer energization.
W Leterme, E Heylen, D Van Hertem
Electric Power Systems Research 196, 107164, 2021
A three-stage SCOPF considering fast converter control and generator droop
V Bhardwaj, H Ergun, E Heylen, D Van Hertem
Electric Power Systems Research 221, 109385, 2023
Rethinking Power System Protection Analysis and Setting: Introducing Bayesian Analysis and Decision Theory
W Leterme, E Heylen
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2023
Impact of increased uncertainty in power systems on performance of short term reliability management
E Heylen, G Deconinck, D Van Hertem
2016 International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power …, 2016
The Potential of Air-Water Heat Pumps in a Belgian Residential Retrofit Context in relation to Future Electricity Prices
E Heylen, R Jordens, D Patteeuw, L Helsen
International Conference on System Simulation in Buildings, Date: 2014/12/10 …, 2014
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20