Jaume Jordán
Jaume Jordán
أسماء أخرىJaume Jordán Prunera, Jaume Magí Jordán Prunera, Jaume Jordan
VRAIN Valencian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Universitat Politècnica de València
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Electric vehicle charging stations emplacement using genetic algorithms and agent-based simulation
J Jordán, J Palanca, P Martí, V Julian
Expert Systems with Applications 197, 116739, 2022
A multi-agent planning approach for the generation of personalized treatment plans of comorbid patients
I Sánchez-Garzón, J Fdez-Olivares, E Onaindía, G Milla, J Jordán, ...
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: 14th Conference on Artificial …, 2013
A multi-agent system for the dynamic emplacement of electric vehicle charging stations
J Jordán, J Palanca, E Del Val, V Julian, V Botti
Applied Sciences 8 (2), 313, 2018
Argue to agree: a case-based argumentation approach
S Heras, J Jordán, V Botti, V Julián
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 54 (1), 82-108, 2013
Personalized conciliation of clinical guidelines for comorbid patients through multi-agent planning
J Fdez-Olivares, E Onaindia, L Castillo, J Jordán, J Cózar
Artificial intelligence in medicine 96, 167-186, 2019
Localization of charging stations for electric vehicles using genetic algorithms
J Jordán, J Palanca, E del Val, V Julian, V Botti
Neurocomputing 452, 416-423, 2021
A better-response strategy for self-interested planning agents
J Jordán, A Torreño, M de Weerdt, E Onaindia
Applied Intelligence, 1-21, 2017
An energy-aware algorithm for electric vehicle infrastructures in smart cities
J Palanca, J Jordán, J Bajo, V Botti
Future generation computer systems 108, 454-466, 2020
Using a hybrid recommending system for learning videos in flipped classrooms and MOOCs
J Jordán, S Valero, C Turró, V Botti
Electronics 10 (11), 1226, 2021
Argumentation schemes for events suggestion in an e-health platform
A Costa, S Heras, J Palanca, J Jordán, P Novais, V Julián
Persuasive Technology: Development and Implementation of Personalized …, 2017
Using genetic algorithms to optimize the location of electric vehicle charging stations
J Jordán, J Palanca, E del Val, V Julian, V Botti
International Joint Conference SOCO’18-CISIS’18-ICEUTE’18: San Sebastián …, 2019
Game-Theoretic Approach for Non-Cooperative Planning
J Jordán, E Onaindia
Twenty-Ninth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 1357-1363, 2015
Case-based strategies for argumentation dialogues in agent societies
S Heras, J Jordán, V Botti, V Julian
Information Sciences 223, 1-30, 2013
A Survey on Demand-Responsive Transportation for Rural and Interurban Mobility.
P Martí, J Jordán, MA González Arrieta, V Julian
International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence …, 2023
Rassel: Robot assistant for the elderly
M Giménez, J Jordán, J Palanca, J Rincon
Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, Special Sessions II, 15th …, 2020
A customer support application using argumentation in multi-agent systems
J Jordán, S Heras, V Julián
14th International Conference on Information Fusion, 1-7, 2011
Modern integrated development environment (ides)
Z Alizadehsani, EG Gomez, H Ghaemi, SR González, J Jordan, ...
Sustainable Smart Cities and Territories, 274-288, 2022
Load generators for automatic simulation of urban fleets
P Martí, J Jordán, J Palanca, V Julian
International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent …, 2020
Demand-responsive shared transportation: a self-interested proposal
P Martí, J Jordán, F De la Prieta, H Billhardt, V Julian
Electronics 11 (1), 78, 2021
Free-floating carsharing in simfleet
P Martí, J Jordán, J Palanca, V Julian
International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated …, 2020
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مقالات 1–20