Zack Cooper
Zack Cooper
Princeton University, American Enterprise Institute
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Reassessing hedging: The logic of alignment in East Asia
DJ Lim, Z Cooper
Security Studies 24 (4), 696-727, 2015
Countering coercion in maritime Asia: The theory and practice of gray zone deterrence
M Green, K Hicks, Z Cooper, J Schaus, J Douglas
Rowman & Littlefield, 2017
To arm or to ally? The patron's dilemma and the strategic logic of arms transfers and alliances
K Yarhi-Milo, A Lanoszka, Z Cooper
International Security 41 (2), 90-139, 2016
Asia-Pacific Rebalance 2025
MJ Green, KH Hicks, ME Cancian, Z Cooper, J Schaus
Center for Strategic and International Studies 189 (11), 2016
China's maritime silk road: Strategic and economic implications for the Indo-Pacific region
MJ Green, Z Cooper, M Funaiole, JB Gale, J Hillman, G Kanwal, HV Pant, ...
Center for Strategic & International Studies, 2018
Getting Serious About Strategy in the South China Sea
H Brands, Z Cooper
Naval War College Review 71 (1), 13-32A, 2018
Escalation and deterrence in the second space age
T Harrison, Z Cooper, K Johnson, TG Roberts
Rowman & Littlefield, 2017
Assessing the Asia-Pacific Rebalance
DJ Berteau, MJ Green, Z Cooper
Rowman & Littlefield, 2014
Revitalizing the rebalance: How to keep US focus on Asia
MJ Green, Z Cooper
The Washington Quarterly 37 (3), 25-46, 2014
America’s Freedom of Navigation Operations Are Lost at Sea
Z Cooper, G Poling
Foreign Policy 8, 2019
After the Responsible Stakeholder, What? Debating America’s China Strategy (February 2019)
H Brands, Z Cooper
Texas National Security Review, 2019
Counter-Coercion Series: Scarborough Shoal Standoff
M Green, K Hicks, Z Cooper, J Schaus, J Douglas
Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative 22, 2017
The ANZUS alliance in an ascending Asia
MJ Green, PJ Dean, B Taylor, Z Cooper
ANU Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, 2015
Thinking clearly about China’s layered Indo-Pacific strategy
Z Cooper, A Shearer
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 73 (5), 305-311, 2017
Counter-coercion series: China-Vietnam oil rig standoff
M Green, K Hicks, Z Cooper, J Schaus, J Douglas
Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative 12, 2017
America's Great-Power Opportunity: Revitalizing US Foreign Policy to Meet the Challenges of Strategic Competition
A Wyne
John Wiley & Sons, 2022
Gateway to the Indo-Pacific: Australian defense strategy and the future of the Australia-US alliance
J Thomas, Z Cooper, I Rehman
Center of Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, 2013
Security Implications of China's Military Presence in the Indian Ocean
Z Cooper
Center for Strategic and International Studies, 2018
Federated Defense in Asia
MJ Green, KH Hicks, Z Cooper
Rowman & Littlefield, 2014
Counter-Coercion Series: Second Thomas Shoal Incident
M Green, K Hicks, Z Cooper, J Schaus, J Douglas
Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative, 2, 2017
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مقالات 1–20