Venkatesh Kamath H.
Venkatesh Kamath H.
Asst. Professor, Dept. of Biotechnology Engg., NMAMIT, Nitte
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Optimization of two step karanja biodiesel synthesis under microwave irradiation
HV Kamath, I Regupathi, MB Saidutta
Fuel Processing Technology 92 (1), 100-105, 2011
Microwave-assisted batch synthesis of Pongamia biodiesel
V Kamath, I Regupathi, MB Saidutta
Biofuels 1 (6), 847-854, 2010
ChatGPT in software development: methods and cross-domain applications
AS Bale, YR Vada, BE Oshiojum, UK Lakkineni, C Rao, K Venkatesh, ...
International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering …, 2023
Microwave-assisted batch and continuous transesterification of karanja oil: process variables optimization and effectiveness of irradiation
R Iyyaswami, VK Halladi, SR Yarramreddy, SM Bharathaiyengar
Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 2013
Microwave Assisted Hydrolysis of Cellulose to Release Sugars from Pongamia Oil Cake for its use in Bioethanol Production
VH Kamath, AG Shenoy, I Crasta, SM Rao, KB Udbhavi, VC Rao
Chemical Science Transactions 7 (4), 722-728, 2018
Microwave accelerated dilute acid hydrolysis of Pongamia pressed oil cake for release of fermentable sugars
V Kamath H, DD Suvarna, D U.K., G J., CV Rao
Advances in Bioresearch 9 (6), 109-118, 2018
Scleropyrum pentandrum (Dennst.) Mabb - oil as a feedstock for biodiesel production –Engine performance and emission studies
S Poojary, VC Rao, HV Kamath
International Journal of Green Energy 14 (3), 279-288, 2017
Use of Microwave Irradiation to Produce Biodiesel from Simarouba glauca Oil Seed: Rapid Extractive Transesterification Approach
PD Javalkar, S Krithika, NS Hegde, NG Menon, VH Kamath
Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences 9 (5 …, 2018
Biofuel Production from Borassus flabellifer.
S Poojary, CV Rao, HV Kamath
Journal of Biofuels 5 (1), 9-15, 2014
Production of biodiesel from unconventional feed stocks of Udupi district
S Pujari, V Kamath, CV Rao
“SRISHTI” 2012 State Level Project Presentation, Abstract published, 2012
Statistical Analysis Software (SAS) Programming Course to Enhance Computing and Coding Skills of Biotechnology Graduates: A Case Study on Learner Centric Approach.
V Kamath H
International Journal of Educational Sciences 34 (1-3), 79-92, 2021
Value addition to Pongamia biodiesel industry through bioethanol production from pressed oil cake using Bacillus cereus
KH Venkatesh, VC Rao
BioTechnologia. Journal of Biotechnology Computational Biology and …, 2020
Ethanol Fuel Production from Glycerol using Bacillus cereus
VH Kamath, Samiyabanu, K MB, D GM, VC Rao
Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences 8 (3S …, 2017
Optimization of Microwave Mediated Insitu transesterification for biodiesel production from Simarouba glauca using response surface methodology
P Javalkar, HV Kamath
International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering Sciences 2013, 2013
Production of biodiesel from Unconventional feedstocks of Udupi district
S Poojary, V Kamath H., CV Rao
International Conference on Recent Advances and Challenges in Biotechnology …, 2012
Biodiesel Production from Unconventional Feed stocks of Udupi District
S Poojary, V Kamath H., CV Rao
35th Series SPP – KSCST State Level Seminar and Exhibition, 13-14, 2012
Effect of natural antioxidants on storage condition of karanja oil and its biodiesel
Sreedevi, S P., V Kamath
“SRISHTI” 2012 State Level Project Presentation, Abstract published, 2012
Algal bioconversion of byproducts of biodiesel to value added products
A Purushotham, V Maria, V Kamath H.
“SRISHTI” 2012 State Level Project Presentation, Abstract published, 2012
Comparative study on algal fermentation of glucose and Pongamia oil cake for the production of lipid
KM Soans, VM Aranha, V Kamath H.
SYMBIOT 2012 - A National Level Symposium, Abstract published, 2012
Algal bioconversion of biodiesel byproduct-glycerol to value added products
A Purushotham, SG Nair, V Kamath H.
SYMBIOT 2012 - A National Level Symposium, Abstract published, 2012
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مقالات 1–20