Tom L. Jenkins
Tom L. Jenkins
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Exeter
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Harnessing genomics to fast-track genetic improvement in aquaculture
RD Houston, TP Bean, DJ Macqueen, MK Gundappa, YH Jin, TL Jenkins, ...
Nature Reviews Genetics 21 (7), 389-409, 2020
Meta-analysis of northeast Atlantic marine taxa shows contrasting phylogeographic patterns following post-LGM expansions
TL Jenkins, R Castilho, JR Stevens
PeerJ 6, e5684, 2018
Single nucleotide polymorphisms reveal a genetic cline across the north‐east Atlantic and enable powerful population assignment in the European lobster
TL Jenkins, CD Ellis, A Triantafyllidis, JR Stevens
Evolutionary Applications 12 (10), 1881-1899, 2019
Assessing connectivity between MPAs: Selecting taxa and translating genetic data to inform policy
TL Jenkins, JR Stevens
Marine Policy 94, 165-173, 2018
Contrasting patterns of population structure and gene flow facilitate exploration of connectivity in two widely distributed temperate octocorals
LP Holland, TL Jenkins, JR Stevens
Heredity 119 (1), 35-48, 2017
SNP discovery in European lobster (Homarus gammarus) using RAD sequencing
TL Jenkins, CD Ellis, JR Stevens
Conservation Genetics Resources 11 (3), 253-257, 2018
Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence: Nanopore sequencing and complete assembly of the European lobster (Homarus gammarus) mitogenome uncovers the missing nad2 and a …
HM Gan, F Grandjean, TL Jenkins, CM Austin
BMC Genomics 20 (1), 335, 2019
mapmixture: An R package and web app for spatial visualisation of admixture and population structure
TL Jenkins
Molecular Ecology Resources 24 (4), e13943, 2024
Exceptional biodiversity of the cryptofaunal decapods in the Chagos Archipelago, central Indian Ocean
CEI Head, MB Bonsall, TL Jenkins, H Koldewey, MS Pratchett, ML Taylor, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 135, 636-647, 2018
Crossing the pond: genetic assignment detects lobster hybridisation
CD Ellis, TL Jenkins, L Svanberg, SP Eriksson, JR Stevens
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 1-7, 2020
Shared and distinct patterns of genetic structure in two sympatric large decapods
CD Ellis, KL MacLeod, TL Jenkins, LD Rato, Y Jézéquel, M Pavičić, ...
Journal of Biogeography 50 (7), 1271-1284, 2023
Historical translocations and stocking alter the genetic structure of a Mediterranean lobster fishery
TL Jenkins, CD Ellis, EDH Durieux, JJ Filippi, J Bracconi, JR Stevens
Ecology and Evolution, 2020
Predicting habitat suitability and range shifts under projected climate change for two octocorals in the north-east Atlantic
TL Jenkins, JR Stevens
PeerJ 10, e13509, 2022
Whole genome genotyping reveals discrete genetic diversity in north‐east Atlantic maerl beds
TL Jenkins, ML Guillemin, C Simon‐Nutbrown, HL Burdett, JR Stevens, ...
Evolutionary Applications, 2021
Rare, long‐distance dispersal underpins genetic connectivity in the pink sea fan, Eunicella verrucosa
KL Macleod, TL Jenkins, MJ Witt, JR Stevens
Evolutionary Applications 17 (3), e13649, 2024
The First Genome of the Cold-Water Octocoral, the Pink Sea Fan, Eunicella verrucosa
KL Macleod, JR Paris, TL Jenkins, JR Stevens
Genome Biology and Evolution 15 (6), evad083, 2023
The complete mitochondrial genome of the pink sea fan, Eunicella verrucosa (Pallas, 1766)
L Hooper, TL Jenkins, AM Griffiths, KA Moore, JR Stevens
Mitochondrial DNA Part B 6 (11), 3309-3311, 2021
Genetic divergence and adaptation of an isolated European lobster population in the Netherlands
CD Ellis, JR Paris, TL Jenkins, MR van Stralen, NA Steins, J Schotanus, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 81 (6), 1039-1052, 2024
Connectivity between MPAs: selecting appropriate taxa and assessing genetic connectivity in two benthic marine invertebrates
TL Jenkins
PQDT-UK & Ireland, 2018
Exploring reported population differences in Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) in the Pomo Pits region of the Adriatic Sea using genome-wide markers
TL Jenkins, M Martinelli, CD Ellis, JR Stevens
PeerJ 12, e17852, 2024
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مقالات 1–20